
「DNA型抹消」高裁判決、警察庁が上告断念 長官、立法化は否定的


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
無罪 (むざい)N2な-adjectivenot guilty
判決 (はんけつ)N2nounjudgment
確定 (かくてい)N2noun/verb (godan)confirmation; to confirm
抹消 (まっしょう)N2noun/verb (godan)deletion; to delete
命じる (めいじる)N2verb (ichidan)to order; to command
指摘 (してき)N2noun/verb (godan)indication; to point out
断念 (だんねん)N2noun/verb (godan)abandonment; to give up
考慮 (こうりょ)N2noun/verb (godan)consideration; to consider
判断 (はんだん)N2noun/verb (godan)judgment; to judge
訴訟 (そしょう)N2nounlawsuit
監督 (かんとく)N2nounsupervision; supervisor
抗議 (こうぎ)N2noun/verb (godan)protest; to protest
起訴 (きそ)N2noun/verb (godan)prosecution; to prosecute
言及 (げんきゅう)N2noun/verb (godan)mention; to refer to
整備 (せいび)N2noun/verb (godan)maintenance; to maintain
望まれる (のぞまれる)N2verb (ichidan)to be desired
指摘する (してきする)N2verb (godan)to point out
立法 (りっぽう)N2nounlegislation
現場 (げんば)N2nounscene; site
立ち合う (たちあう)N2verb (godan)to be present; to witness
消す (けす)N2verb (godan)to erase; to turn off
確定する (かくていする)N2verb (irregular)to be confirmed; to confirm
争う (あらそう)N2verb (godan)to dispute; to contest
努める (つとめる)N2verb (ichidan)to strive; to endeavor
対応 (たいおう)N2noun/verb (godan)correspondence; to respond
準備 (じゅんび)N2noun/verb (godan)preparation; to prepare
具体 (ぐたい)N2nounconcrete; specific
運用 (うんよう)N2noun/verb (godan)operation; to operate
事案 (じあん)N2nouncase; matter
述べる (のべる)N2verb (ichidan)to state; to mention
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
失う (うしなう)N2verb (godan)to lose

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「判決は、DNA型データの運用などのための立法化が必要と指摘したが、『直ちに立法などの措置が必要になるとは考えていない』と述べた。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「必要と指摘した」: Here, 「必要」 (necessary) is a noun, and it is followed by the verb 「指摘する」 (to point out). The structure indicates that the judgment pointed out the necessity of legislation.
    • 「直ちに」: This adverb means “immediately” or “right away,” indicating the urgency of the action.
    • 「考えていない」: This is the negative form of the verb 「考える」 (to think), indicating that the speaker does not believe something to be true.


    • The sentence starts with the subject (the judgment) and what it pointed out (the necessity of legislation). It then contrasts this with the speaker’s opinion about the immediacy of the need for legislative measures, using a quoted statement to express this thought.
  2. Sentence: 「DNA型の保管などは現在、国家公安委員会規則などの内規で運用されており、高裁判決は『立法による整備が強く望まれる』と言及した。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「運用されており」: This is the passive form of the verb 「運用する」 (to operate/use), indicating that the data is currently being managed under certain regulations.
    • 「言及した」: This verb means “to mention” or “to refer to,” indicating that the high court’s ruling made a reference to the need for legislative organization.


    • The sentence begins by stating the current management of DNA data under internal regulations. It then transitions to the high court’s ruling, which emphasizes the need for legislative measures, using a quoted statement to highlight this point.
  3. Sentence: 「今回の判決もふまえ、個別具体の事案に即して引き続き適切な記録などの管理に努める」と述べた。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「ふまえ」: This is the te-form of the verb 「ふまえる」 (to be based on), indicating that the following actions are based on the current judgment.
    • 「即して」: This is the te-form of the verb 「即する」 (to correspond to), indicating that the management will be tailored to specific cases.
    • 「努める」: This verb means “to strive” or “to make an effort,” indicating the intention to continue managing records appropriately.


    • The sentence starts with a reference to the current judgment, indicating that it will be taken into account. It then states the intention to continue managing records appropriately, emphasizing that this management will be specific to individual cases. The structure shows a cause-and-effect relationship between the judgment and future actions.


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