
カンニング後に「ひきょう者」と指導され高2自殺 両親が学校を提訴


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
進学 (しんがく)N3Nounadvance to a higher level of education
知られる (しられる)N2Godan verbto be known
私立 (しりつ)N3Nounprivate
生徒 (せいと)N4Nounstudent
試験 (しけん)N4Nounexam
自殺 (じさつ)N3Nounsuicide
不適切 (ふてきせつ)N2Na-adjectiveinappropriate
指導 (しどう)N3Nounguidance
原因 (げんいん)N3Nouncause
運営 (うんえい)N2Nounmanagement
賠償 (ばいしょう)N1Nouncompensation
訴訟 (そしょう)N2Nounlawsuit
訴状 (そじょう)N/ANouncomplaint
期末 (きまつ)N2Nounend of term
監督 (かんとく)N2Nounsupervision
見つかる (みつかる)N3Godan verbto be found
事情 (じじょう)N2Nouncircumstances
叱責 (しっせき)N/ANounreprimand
処分 (しょぶん)N3Nounpunishment
謹慎 (きんしん)N/ANounsuspension
反省 (はんせい)N3Nounreflection
生死 (せいし)N1Nounlife and death
訴える (うったえる)N2Ichidan verbto sue
安全 (あんぜん)N3Na-adjectivesafe
配慮 (はいりょ)N1Nounconsideration
義務 (ぎむ)N2Nounobligation
違反 (いはん)N2Nounviolation
因果関係 (いんがかんけい)N1Nouncause and effect relationship
第三者 (だいさんしゃ)N1Nounthird party
信頼 (しんらい)N2Nountrust

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The phrase “男子生徒(当時17)” means “male student (at the time 17 years old)” where 当時 is used to indicate the age at a specific point in time.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • This sentence introduces a specific male student and provides additional information about his age at a particular time, which is 17 years old.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The phrase “教師からカンニングはひきょう者がやることだと叱責された” means “was reprimanded by the teacher for cheating, being told that it is something only cowards do.”
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • This sentence describes an incident where the student was scolded by the teacher for cheating, specifically being told that cheating is something only cowards do.
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The phrase “大量の課題で冷静な判断能力を失わせて自死させた” means “caused him to lose his ability to make rational judgments due to a large amount of assignments and led to his suicide.”
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • This sentence explains how the student’s ability to make rational judgments was impaired due to a large number of assignments, ultimately resulting in his suicide.


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