
本田真凜が引退会見「幸せな競技生活でした」 今後はプロ転向へ


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WordJLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
制す (せいす)N1Verbto dominate, to control
引退 (いんたい)N2Nounretirement
開く (ひらく)N4Verbto hold (a meeting, interview, etc.)
思い出 (おもいで)N4Nounmemory, recollection
振り返る (ふりかえる)N3Verbto look back, to reflect
決める (きめる)N4Verbto decide
影響 (えいきょう)N3Nouninfluence, effect
込める (こめる)N3Verbto put into, to include
残す (のこす)N3Verbto leave, to save
通り (とおり)N3Nounavenue, way
頑張る (がんばる)N4Verbto do one’s best
挑戦 (ちょうせん)N3Nounchallenge
交際 (こうさい)N2Nouncompany, companionship
公言 (こうげん)N1Noundeclaration, proclamation
順調 (じゅんちょう)N2Adjectivefavorable, smooth
照れ笑い (てれわらい)N1Nounbashful smile
浮かべる (うかべる)N2Verbto show, to express
限り (かぎり)N3Nounlimit, extent
骨盤 (こつばん)N1Nounpelvis
幼なじみ (おさななじみ)N2Nounchildhood friend
感覚 (かんかく)N2Nounsense, feeling
支え (ささえ)N2Nounsupport, stay
たどり着く (たどりつく)N2Verbto reach, to arrive at
連続 (れんぞく)N3Nouncontinuation, succession
挑戦 (ちょうせん)N3Nounchallenge
食い込む (くいこむ)N1Verbto cut into, to bite into
準優勝 (じゅんゆうしょう)N1Nounrunner-up
連覇 (れんぱ)N1Nounconsecutive victory
次ぐ (つぐ)N1Verbto follow, to come after

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • 本田真凜(22)=JAL=が11日、東京都内で引退会見を開き、「これまでの人生はすべての思い出にスケートがある。幸せな競技生活でした」と振り返った。

      1. The grammatical point here is the use of the particle に to indicate the target of the verb. In this case, the verb is ある (to exist), and it is used to indicate that “skating” exists in all the memories of her life.
      1. The structure of the sentence is as follows: [Noun + に + Verb]. In this case, the noun is すべての思い出 (all memories), the particle に indicates the target of the verb, and the verb is ある (to exist).
  • 今季限りでの引退を決めていたといい、昨年12月の全日本選手権が最後の大会となった。

      1. The grammatical point here is the use of the といい construction, which is used to indicate that the information being conveyed is based on what someone else has said or what is generally known.
      1. The structure of the sentence is as follows: [Verb + といい、Sentence]. In this case, the verb is 決めていた (had decided), and it is followed by といい to convey the information that follows is based on what someone else has said or what is generally known.
  • 交際を公言している男子世界王者の宇野昌磨(26)=トヨタ自動車=について、報道陣から「順調ですか?」と質問が飛ぶと、照れ笑いを浮かべながら「は、はい」とうなずいた。

      1. The grammatical point here is the use of the について construction, which is used to indicate the topic or subject of the sentence.
      1. The structure of the sentence is as follows: [Noun + について、Sentence]. In this case, the noun is 男子世界王者の宇野昌磨 (male world champion Uno Shoma), and it is followed by について to indicate that the following sentence is about or concerning Uno Shoma.


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