
ホテルの女性従業員強殺事件、元従業員の47歳男を逮捕 千葉県警


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
発見する (はっけんする)N2Irregular verbto discover
強盗 (ごうとう)N2Nounrobbery
殺人 (さつじん)N2Nounmurder
逮捕する (たいほする)N2Irregular verbto arrest
発表する (はっぴょうする)N2Irregular verbto announce
疑い (うたがい)N2Nounsuspicion
確認する (かくにんする)N2Irregular verbto confirm
発覚する (はっかくする)N2Irregular verbto become known
駆けつける (かけつける)N2Ichidan verbto rush to
死亡 (しぼう)N2Noundeath
刃物 (はもの)N2Nounblade, knife
絞める (しめる)N2Godan verbto strangle
窒息死 (ちっそくし)N1Nounasphyxiation
出血 (しゅっけつ)N2Nounbleeding
状態 (じょうたい)N2Nouncondition
縛る (しばる)N2Godan verbto bind
深い (ふかい)N2い-adjectivedeep
複数 (ふくすう)N2Nounmultiple
切りつける (きりつける)N2Ichidan verbto slash
痕跡 (こんせき)N2Nountrace
設置する (せっちする)N2Irregular verbto establish
捜査 (そうさ)N2Nouninvestigation
事件 (じけん)N2Nounincident
会社員 (かいしゃいん)N3Nouncompany employee
勤務 (きんむ)N2Nounduty, work
付近 (ふきん)N2Nounvicinity
現金 (げんきん)N2Nouncash
可能性 (かのうせい)N2Nounpossibility
体の前側 (からだのまえがわ)N2Nounfront side of the body
結束 (けっそく)N2Nounbinding
付着する (ふちゃくする)N2Irregular verbto adhere
状況 (じょうきょう)N2Nounsituation

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「捜査本部によると、江川容疑者は10月31日夜から11月1日午前7時半ごろまでの間に、ホテルで佐伯さんを殺害し、現金数万円を奪った疑いがある。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「によると」: This phrase means “according to” and is used to indicate the source of information.
      • 「までの間に」: This structure indicates a time frame, meaning “between” the specified dates.
      • 「疑いがある」: This phrase means “there is a suspicion” and is used to express that there is a belief or suspicion regarding an action.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with a reference to the source of information (捜査本部によると), followed by the subject (江川容疑者) and the time frame (10月31日夜から11月1日午前7時半ごろまでの間に). The main actions (殺害し、奪った) are connected by the conjunction “し,” indicating that both actions are related. The sentence concludes with the expression of suspicion (疑いがある).
  2. Sentence: 「事件は、1日午前7時半ごろに出勤した女性店長が、ホテルのフロント付近で、手首を縛られて床に倒れた状態の佐伯さんを発見して発覚。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「出勤した」: This is the past tense of the verb 出勤する (to go to work), indicating that the action has already occurred.
      • 「縛られて」: This is the passive form of the verb 縛る (to tie), indicating that the subject (佐伯さん) was tied by someone else.
      • 「発見して発覚」: The first verb (発見する) means “to discover,” and the second (発覚する) means “to come to light” or “to be revealed.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject (事件) and provides context about when it occurred (1日午前7時半ごろに). It then introduces the female manager (女性店長) who performed the action (出勤した). The main clause describes the discovery of the victim (佐伯さん) in a specific condition (手首を縛られて床に倒れた状態), and concludes with the result of that discovery (発見して発覚).
  3. Sentence: 「司法解剖の結果、首や腹部には刃物で刺された傷があった。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「の結果」: This phrase means “as a result of” and indicates that what follows is a consequence of the preceding noun (司法解剖).
      • 「には」: This particle indicates the location or context where something exists, in this case, the injuries on the neck and abdomen.
      • 「刺された」: This is the passive form of the verb 刺す (to stab), indicating that the injuries were inflicted by someone or something.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the phrase indicating the source of information (司法解剖の結果), followed by the context (首や腹部には). The main clause states the existence of injuries (傷があった) that were caused by stabbing (刃物で刺された). The structure emphasizes the findings from the autopsy and specifies where the injuries were located.


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