
衆院3補選、開票へ 「与野党対決型」島根1区の行方は?


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Word (Reading)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
開票する (かいひょうする)N2Verbto count votes, to announce election results
与野党 (よやとう)N1Nounruling and opposition parties
対決する (たいけつする)N2Verbto confront, to compete against
争う (あらそう)N3Verbto dispute, to compete
有権者 (ゆうけんしゃ)N2Nouneligible voter
選択する (せんたくする)N3Verbto choose, to select
投票率 (とうひょうりつ)N2Nounvoter turnout rate
発表する (はっぴょうする)N3Verbto announce, to publish
期日前投票 (きじつぜんとうひょう)N1Nounearly voting
選挙人名簿 (せんきょにんめいぼ)N1Nounelectoral roll
登録者数 (とうろくしゃすう)N1Nounnumber of registered voters
補選 (ほせん)N2Nounby-election
辞職する (じしょくする)N2Verbto resign from a job
候補 (こうほ)N2Nouncandidate
擁立する (ようりつする)N1Verbto nominate, to support a candidate
一騎打ち (いっきうち)N1Nounone-on-one contest
投開票 (とうかいひょう)N1Nounvoting and counting of votes
中間推計 (ちゅうかんすいけい)N1Nouninterim estimate
同時刻 (どうじこく)N1Nounsame time
下回る (したまわる)N1Verbto fall below
発表する (はっぴょうする)N3Verbto announce, to publish

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1: 長崎県選挙管理委員会は衆院長崎3区補選の投票率について、午後6時時点で17.08%だったと発表した。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the use of the particle “について” which indicates the topic or subject of discussion, and the past tense form “だった” to describe the voting rate at a specific time in the past.

    2. Structure:

      • 長崎県選挙管理委員会は (Nagasaki Prefecture Election Commission)
      • 衆院長崎3区補選の投票率について (about the voting rate of the House of Representatives Nagasaki 3rd District by-election)
      • 午後6時時点で (at 6:00 p.m.)
      • 17.08%だった (was 17.08%)
      • と発表した (announced)
  • Sentence 2: 前回2021年衆院選の同時刻現在の投票率31.58%と比べて14.5ポイント下回っている。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence uses the verb “比べる” (to compare) in the te-form followed by the auxiliary verb “いる” to indicate the current state of being lower than the previous voting rate.

    2. Structure:

      • 前回2021年衆院選の (previous 2021 House of Representatives election)
      • 同時刻現在の (current at the same time)
      • 投票率31.58%と比べて (compared to the voting rate of 31.58%)
      • 14.5ポイント下回っている (is lower by 14.5 points)
  • Sentence 3: 長崎3区補選は、自民党衆院議員だった谷川弥一氏が、安倍派の裏金事件で辞職したことに伴うもの。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the use of the particle “に伴う” which means “due to” or “as a result of” to explain the reason for the by-election.

    2. Structure:

      • 長崎3区補選は (The Nagasaki 3rd District by-election)
      • 自民党衆院議員だった谷川弥一氏が (Mr. Yahichi Tagawa, who was a Liberal Democratic Party House of Representatives member)
      • 安倍派の裏金事件で辞職したことに伴うもの (resulting from his resignation due to the Abe faction’s secret money scandal)


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