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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
訴える (うったえる)N2godan verbto appeal; to advocate
廃絶 (はいぜつ)N2nounabolition; eradication
署名 (しょめい)N2nounsignature
届ける (とどける)N2ichidan verbto deliver
開く (ひらく)N3godan verbto open; to hold (an event)
選ばれる (えらばれる)N2ichidan verbto be chosen
訪問 (ほうもん)N2noun/ichidan verbvisit; to visit
求める (もとめる)N2ichidan verbto seek; to request
伝える (つたえる)N2ichidan verbto convey; to communicate
支える (ささえる)N2ichidan verbto support
講演 (こうえん)N2noun/ichidan verblecture; to give a lecture
触れる (ふれる)N2ichidan verbto touch; to mention
地道 (じみち)N2な-adjectivesteady; diligent
効果 (こうか)N2nouneffect; effectiveness
代表 (だいひょう)N2nounrepresentative
送る (おくる)N3godan verbto send
参加 (さんか)N3noun/ichidan verbparticipation; to participate
実現 (じつげん)N2noun/ichidan verbrealization; to realize
事務所 (じむしょ)N2nounoffice
兵器 (へいき)N2nounweapon
被爆 (ひばく)N2noun/ichidan verbbeing bombed; exposure to radiation
県内 (けんない)N2nounwithin the prefecture
役割 (やくわり)N2nounrole; part
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
目指す (めざす)N2godan verbto aim for; to aspire
参加者 (さんかしゃ)N2nounparticipant
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
促す (うながす)N2godan verbto urge; to encourage
知る (しる)N3godan verbto know
伝わる (つたわる)N2godan verbto be conveyed
受賞 (じゅしょう)N2noun/ichidan verbaward; to receive an award
参加する (さんかする)N3irregular verbto participate

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「高校生平和大使は、1998年に長崎の高校生2人がニューヨークの国連本部に派遣されたことから始まり、毎年全国から公募で選ばれ、国連欧州本部など世界各地で核兵器廃絶と世界平和の実現を訴えて発信している。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「ことから始まり」: This phrase uses the nominalizer 「こと」 to turn the preceding clause into a noun phrase, indicating that the action of sending high school students to the UN began from that event.
      • 「公募で選ばれ」: This is a passive construction where 「選ばれる」 (to be selected) is used, indicating that the students are chosen through a public recruitment process.
      • 「訴えて発信している」: This combines two verbs, where 「訴える」 (to appeal) and 「発信する」 (to send out information) are connected to show ongoing actions.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject (高校生平和大使) followed by a description of its origin (1998年に長崎の高校生2人がニューヨークの国連本部に派遣されたことから始まり). It then explains the annual selection process (毎年全国から公募で選ばれ) and concludes with the ongoing activities (国連欧州本部など世界各地で核兵器廃絶と世界平和の実現を訴えて発信している).
  2. 「西脇さんはスピーチで『もし新潟に原爆が落ちていたら私はここにいなかったかも知れません』と訴えたという。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「もし~たら」: This is a conditional form, indicating a hypothetical situation. It translates to “if” in English.
      • 「かも知れません」: This phrase expresses uncertainty, meaning “might not have been” or “may not have been.”
      • 「という」: This is used to indicate reported speech, showing that what follows is something that was said.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject (西脇さん) and the context of the speech (スピーチで). It presents a hypothetical statement (もし新潟に原爆が落ちていたら私はここにいなかったかも知れません) and concludes with the reporting phrase (と訴えたという), indicating that this was what she claimed.
  3. 「報告会では、被爆2世で県原爆被害者の会事務局長を務める西山謙介さん(76)が講演。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「被爆2世で」: This indicates that the subject (西山謙介さん) is a second-generation hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor).
      • 「務める」: This verb means “to serve” or “to hold a position,” indicating his role as the secretary-general.
      • The sentence lacks a subject marker (が) after the subject, which is common in Japanese for brevity.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the context of the event (報告会では) and introduces the subject (西山謙介さん), providing additional information about him (被爆2世で県原爆被害者の会事務局長を務める). It concludes with the action he performed (講演), which is an abbreviated form of saying he gave a lecture.


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