
池袋暴走事故、運転の受刑者側に1億4千万円の賠償命令 東京地裁


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
起きる (おきる)N5verb (godan)to occur, to happen
乗用車 (じょうようしゃ)N5nounpassenger car
暴走 (ぼうそう)N3noun, suru verbreckless driving
事故 (じこ)N4nounaccident
亡くす (なくす)N4verb (godan)to lose (a loved one)
遺族 (いぞく)N3nounbereaved family
運転 (うんてん)N4noun, suru verbdriving
飯塚 (いいづか)N/AnounIizuka (surname)
幸三 (こうぞう)N/AnounKozo (given name)
受刑者 (じゅけいしゃ)N/Anounprisoner
禁錮 (きんこ)N/Anounimprisonment
実刑 (じっけい)N/Anounactual imprisonment
判決 (はんけつ)N4nounjudgement, ruling
確定 (かくてい)N3noun, suru verbfinalization
保険会社 (ほけんがいしゃ)N4nouninsurance company
計約 (けいやく)N/Anounapproximately
損害賠償 (そんがいばいしょう)N3nouncompensation for damages
求める (もとめる)N4verb (godan)to seek, to demand
訴訟 (そしょう)N3nounlawsuit
東京地裁 (とうきょうちさい)N/AnounTokyo District Court
平山馨 (ひらやまかおる)N/AnounKaoru Hirayama (name)
言い渡す (いいわたす)N3verb (godan)to pronounce, to deliver (a judgement)
運動機能 (うんどうきのう)N/Anounmotor function
低下 (ていか)N3noun, suru verbdecline, deterioration
伴う (ともなう)N3verb (godan)to accompany, to be accompanied by
持病 (じびょう)N3nounchronic illness
運転する (うんてんする)N4verb (suru)to drive
最小限度 (さいしょうげんど)N/Anounminimum limit
医師 (いし)N4noundoctor
指導する (しどうする)N3verb (suru)to instruct, to guide
続ける (つづける)N4verb (ichidan)to continue
結果 (けっか)N4nounresult
アクセル (あくせる)N/Anounaccelerator
ブレーキ (ぶれーき)N/Anounbrake
的確に (てきかくに)N/Aadverbaccurately
操作する (そうさする)N4verb (suru)to operate
基本的な (きほんてきな)N/Aadjective (な)basic
注意義務 (ちゅういぎむ)N/Anounduty of care
違反する (いはんする)N4verb (suru)to violate
認定する (にんていする)N3verb (suru)to certify, to recognize
死亡慰謝料 (しぼういしゃりょう)N/Anouncompensation for death
逸失利益 (いっしつりえき)N/Anounloss of earnings
支払う (しはらう)N4verb (godan)to pay
受け入れる (うけいれる)N4verb (ichidan)to accept
足る (たる)N4verb (u-verb)to be sufficient
真摯 (しんし)N/Anounsincerity
謝罪する (しゃざいする)N3verb (suru)to apologize
病気 (びょうき)N5nounillness
因果関係 (いんがかんけい)N/Anouncause and effect relationship
認める (みとめる)N4verb (ichidan)to acknowledge
争い事 (あらそいごと)N/Anoundispute
伝える (つたえる)N4verb (ichidan)to convey
会見 (かいけん)N3nounpress conference
病気と事故の因果関係 (びょうきとじこのいんがかんけい)N/Anouncausal relationship between illness and accident
認めてもらえる (みてもらえる)N/Averb (ichidan)to have something acknowledged
争い事は終わったよ (あらそいごとはおわったよ)N/Aphrasethe dispute is over
発生する (はっせいする)N4verb (suru)to occur
争い事は終わったよ (あらそいごとはおわったよ)N/Aphrasethe dispute is over
伝える (つたえる)N4verb (ichidan)to convey
事故 (じこ)N4nounaccident
発生する (はっせいする)N4verb (suru)to occur
死亡 (しぼう)N4noundeath
旧通産省工業技術院 (きゅうつうさんしょうこうぎょうぎじゅついん)N/Anounformer Ministry of International Trade and Industry Industrial Technology Institute
元院長 (もといんちょう)N/Anounformer director
自動車運転死傷処罰法違反 (じどうしゃうんてんしけんしょばつほういはん)N/Anounviolation of the Road Traffic Act causing death or injury by motor vehicle
問われる (とわれる)N3verb (passive)to be questioned
赤信号 (あかしんごう)N/Anounred light
交差点 (こうさてん)N4nounintersection
突入する (とつにゅうする)N4verb (suru)to rush into
言い渡す (いいわたす)N3verb (godan)to pronounce, to deliver (a judgement)
禁錮 (きんこ)N/Anounimprisonment
実刑 (じっけい)N/Anounactual imprisonment
判決 (はんけつ)N4nounjudgement, ruling
受刑者 (じゅけいしゃ)N/Anounprisoner
防御権 (ぼうぎょけん)N/Anounright of defense
保障する (ほしょうする)N3verb (suru)to guarantee, to protect
踏まえる (ふまえる)N3verb (ichidan)to base on, to take into consideration
心情 (しんじょう)N/Anounfeelings
逆なでする (ぎゃくなでする)N/Averb (suru)to go against, to hurt
行為 (こうい)N4nounact
被害者側 (ひがいしゃがわ)N/Anounvictim’s side
受け入れる (うけいれる)N4verb (ichidan)to accept
真摯 (しんし)N/Anounsincerity
謝罪する (しゃざいする)N3verb (suru)to apologize
確定する (かくていする)N3verb (suru)to finalize
保険会社 (ほけんがいしゃ)N4nouninsurance company
支払う (しはらう)N4verb (godan)to pay
受け入れる (うけいれる)N4verb (ichidan)to accept
会見 (かいけん)N3nounpress conference
松永 (まつなが)N/AnounMatsunaga (surname)
病気 (びょうき)N5nounillness
事故 (じこ)N4nounaccident
因果関係 (いんがかんけい)N/Anouncause and effect relationship
認めてもらえる (みてもらえる)N/Averb (ichidan)to have something acknowledged
争い事は終わったよ (あらそいごとはおわったよ)N/Aphrasethe dispute is over
発生する (はっせいする)N4verb (suru)to occur
死亡 (しぼう)N4noundeath
旧通産省工業技術院 (きゅうつうさんしょうこうぎょうぎじゅついん)N/Anounformer Ministry of International Trade and Industry Industrial Technology Institute
元院長 (もといんちょう)N/Anounformer director
自動車運転死傷処罰法違反 (じどうしゃうんてんしけんしょばつほういはん)N/Anounviolation of the Road Traffic Act causing death or injury by motor vehicle
問われる (とわれる)N3verb (passive)to be questioned
赤信号 (あかしんごう)N/Anounred light
交差点 (こうさてん)N4nounintersection
突入する (とつにゅうする)N4verb (suru)to rush into

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 判決は、飯塚受刑者には運動機能の低下を伴う持病があり、「運転は最小限度とするよう医師から指導されていた」と指摘。

1.1 Grammatical points:

  • 運動機能の低下を伴う持病があり: This phrase describes the condition of the prisoner, indicating that he has a chronic illness that is accompanied by a decline in motor function.
  • 「運転は最小限度とするよう医師から指導されていた」: This is a reported speech phrase, indicating that the prisoner was instructed by a doctor to limit his driving to the minimum.

1.2 Structure of the sentence: The sentence starts with the subject “判決” (judgment) followed by the topic marker “は”. Then, it introduces the condition of the prisoner using the phrase “飯塚受刑者には運動機能の低下を伴う持病があり” (The prisoner Iizuka has a chronic illness accompanied by a decline in motor function). The sentence continues with the quotation “「運転は最小限度とするよう医師から指導されていた」” (He was instructed by a doctor to limit his driving to the minimum). The verb “指摘” (point out) is used to indicate that this information is being pointed out or mentioned.

  1. 判決は、飯塚受刑者が「ひとまずの道義的な謝罪すらしないまま、刑事事件で相応の証拠が出そろった後も過失を認めず、不合理な弁解を続けた」と指摘。

2.1 Grammatical points:

  • 「ひとまずの道義的な謝罪すらしないまま」: This phrase means “without even a temporary moral apology.”
  • 「刑事事件で相応の証拠が出そろった後も過失を認めず、不合理な弁解を続けた」: This clause means “even after appropriate evidence was gathered in the criminal case, he did not admit negligence and continued with unreasonable excuses.”

2.2 Structure of the sentence: The sentence starts with the subject “判決” (judgment) followed by the topic marker “は”. Then, it introduces the actions of the prisoner using the phrase “飯塚受刑者が” (The prisoner Iizuka). The sentence continues with the quotation “「ひとまずの道義的な謝罪すらしないまま、刑事事件で相応の証拠が出そろった後も過失を認めず、不合理な弁解を続けた」” (without even a temporary moral apology, even after appropriate evidence was gathered in the criminal case, he did not admit negligence and continued with unreasonable excuses). The verb “指摘” (point out) is used to indicate that this information is being pointed out or mentioned.

  1. 判決を受けた会見で松永さんは「(受刑者の)病気と事故の因果関係を認めてもらえた。(妻と子には)『争い事は終わったよ』伝えたい」と話した。

3.1 Grammatical points:

  • 「(受刑者の)病気と事故の因果関係を認めてもらえた」: This phrase means “I was able to have the causal relationship between the prisoner’s illness and the accident recognized.”
  • 「(妻と子には)『争い事は終わったよ』伝えたい」: This phrase means “I want to convey to my wife and child that the dispute is over.”

3.2 Structure of the sentence: The sentence starts with the subject “松永さん” (Mr. Matsunaga) followed by the topic marker “は”. Then, it introduces the statement made by Mr. Matsunaga using the quotation “「(受刑者の)病気と事故の因果関係を認めてもらえた。(妻と子には)『争い事は終わったよ』伝えたい」と話した” (I was able to have the causal relationship between the prisoner’s illness and the accident recognized. I want to convey to my wife and child that the dispute is over). The verb “話す” (speak) is used to indicate that Mr. Matsunaga made this statement.