池袋暴走事故遺族、受刑者と初面会 心情等伝達制度通じ刑務所内で
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
暴走する (ぼうそうする) | N2 | Godan verb | to run out of control, to go berserk |
亡くす (なくす) | N3 | Godan verb | to lose (a family member), to be bereaved |
刑務所 (けいむしょ) | N3 | Noun | prison |
面会 (めんかい) | N2 | Noun | meeting, interview |
制度 (せいど) | N2 | Noun | system, institution |
実現する (じつげんする) | N2 | Suru verb | to realize, to achieve |
受刑者 (じゅけいしゃ) | N1 | Noun | prisoner |
初めて (はじめて) | N3 | Adverb | for the first time |
直接 (ちょくせつ) | N2 | Adverb | directly |
面会する (めんかいする) | N2 | Suru verb | to meet, to interview |
述べる (のべる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to state, to express |
死傷する (しぇしょうする) | N1 | Suru verb | casualties, injuries and deaths |
取材 (しゅざい) | N1 | Noun | coverage, collecting data |
対面する (たいめんする) | N1 | Suru verb | to face, to confront |
問いかける (といかける) | N1 | Ichidan verb | to ask, to inquire |
心情 (しんじょう) | N1 | Noun | feelings, emotions |
聞き取る (ききとる) | N1 | Godan verb | to listen carefully, to hear |
読み聞かせる (よみきかせる) | N1 | Ichidan verb | to read aloud |
反応 (はんのう) | N1 | Noun | reaction, response |
発言 (はつげん) | N1 | Noun | statement, remark |
伝える (つたえる) | N2 | Godan verb | to convey, to report |
思いを伝える (おもいをつたえる) | N1 | Godan verb | to convey one’s feelings |
申し入れる (もうしいれる) | N1 | Ichidan verb | to propose, to request |
受け入れる (うけいれる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to accept, to receive |
実施する (じっしする) | N2 | Suru verb | to implement, to carry out |
参加する (さんかする) | N3 | Suru verb | to participate |
公判 (こうはん) | N1 | Noun | public trial |
被害者 (ひがいしゃ) | N1 | Noun | victim |
参加制度 (さんかせいど) | N1 | Noun | participation system |
無罪 (むざい) | N2 | Noun | innocence |
禁錮 (きんこ) | N1 | Noun | imprisonment |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Grammatical points:
- 連用修飾語 (Adverbial Modifier): “昨年末に始まった” modifies the noun “面会.”
- 連用形 (Continuative Form): “始まった” is the continuative form of the verb “始まる” (to begin).
- とみられる (to be considered): This is the passive form of the verb “みる” (to see/consider) combined with the auxiliary verb “られる” to indicate passive voice.
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence starts with a time expression “昨年末に” (at the end of last year) followed by the verb “始まった” (began) modifying the noun “面会” (meeting). The clause “昨年末に始まった「心情等伝達制度」を機に実現した面会で” describes the circumstances under which the meeting took place. The latter part of the sentence explains that, according to the Ministry of Justice, it is considered that this meeting with the inmate through the same system was the first time it had been realized.
Grammatical points:
- 連用形 (Continuative Form): “現れ” is the continuative form of the verb “現れる” (to appear).
- という (to say): This is a quoting particle used to indicate what someone said or reported.
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence describes the actions of the inmate, who appeared in a wheelchair, and the situations where he often responded to questions from Matsunaga and others with “はい” or “いいえ.” The clause “松永さんたちからの問いかけに対して” (in response to questions from Matsunaga and others) provides context for the inmate’s responses.
Grammatical points:
- で (at/in): This particle indicates the location or circumstance where an action takes place.
- と (that): This particle is used to quote what someone said.
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence states that the inmate asserted his innocence by claiming “車に異常があった” (there was something wrong with the car) at the trial. The clause “公判で” (at the trial) specifies the context in which the inmate made this claim.
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