10年で犠牲者10人以上、水の事故集中エリアが7カ所 1万件分析
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
死亡 (しぼう) | N3 | Noun | death |
行方不明 (ゆくえふめい) | N2 | Noun | missing |
まとめる | N3 | Verb (る) | to summarize |
分析 (ぶんせき) | N2 | Noun | analysis |
推移 (すいい) | N1 | Noun | trend |
怖い (こわい) | N4 | い-adjective | scary |
安全 (あんぜん) | N4 | Noun | safety |
風向き (かざむき) | N1 | Noun | wind direction |
潮 (しお) | N3 | Noun | tide |
満ち引き (みちびき) | N1 | Noun | ebb and flow |
急変 (きゅうへん) | N1 | Noun | sudden change |
指摘 (してき) | N1 | Noun | pointing out |
犠牲者 (ぎせいしゃ) | N2 | Noun | victim |
年前後 (ねんぜんご) | N1 | Noun | around the year |
専門家 (せんもんか) | N2 | Noun | expert |
事故 (じこ) | N4 | Noun | accident |
怖さ (こわさ) | N2 | Noun | scariness |
安全な (あんぜんな) | N3 | な-adjective | safe |
急変する (きゅうへんする) | N1 | Verb (する) | to suddenly change |
指摘する (してきする) | N1 | Verb (する) | to point out |
犠牲になる (ぎせいになる) | N2 | Verb (なる) | to become a victim |
提供する (ていきょうする) | N2 | Verb (する) | to provide |
監修 (かんしゅう) | N1 | Noun | supervision |
集中する (しゅうちゅうする) | N2 | Verb (する) | to concentrate |
次 (つぎ) | N4 | Noun | next |
続く (つづく) | N4 | Verb (う-verb) | to continue |
犠牲になる (ぎせいになる) | N2 | Verb (なる) | to become a victim |
河川敷 (かせんしき) | N1 | Noun | riverbank |
訪れる (おとずれる) | N3 | Verb (る) | to visit |
助ける (たすける) | N4 | Verb (る) | to help |
流される (ながされる) | N2 | Verb (る) | to be swept away |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Explanation of grammatical points: The sentence contains the passive form of the verb “まとめる” (to summarize) in the past tense, indicating that the data was summarized by the Japan Coast Guard and the River Foundation.
- Explanation of the structure: The sentence structure is as follows: “海上保安庁と河川財団がまとめたデータの分析からわかった。”
- Subject: 海上保安庁と河川財団 (Japan Coast Guard and River Foundation)
- Verb: まとめた (summarized)
- Object: データ (data)
- Particle: の (of)
- Dependent clause: 分析から (from the analysis)
Sentence 2:
- Explanation of grammatical points: The sentence includes the causative form of the verb “指摘する” (to point out) in the present tense, indicating that experts are pointing out the fear of accidents caused by water.
- Explanation of the structure: The sentence structure is as follows: “専門家は「水の事故の怖さは、いつもは安全な場所が、風向きや潮の満ち引きによって急変することにある」と指摘する。”
- Subject: 専門家 (experts)
- Verb: 指摘する (to point out) - in causative form
- Quotation: 「水の事故の怖さは、いつもは安全な場所が、風向きや潮の満ち引きによって急変することにある」 (The fear of accidents caused by water lies in the fact that normally safe places can suddenly change due to wind direction and tide changes.)
Sentence 3:
- Explanation of grammatical points: The sentence uses the causative-passive form of the verb “集中する” (to concentrate) in the past tense, indicating that victims were concentrated in certain locations.
- Explanation of the structure: The sentence structure is as follows: “その結果、静岡県の伊豆半島にある城ケ崎海岸で17人、沖縄県恩納村の真栄田岬で13人、千葉県船橋市の「ふなばし三番瀬海浜公園」周辺で11人の犠牲者が出ていた。”
- Subject: 犠牲者 (victims)
- Verb: 出ていた (were present) - in causative-passive form
- Locations: 静岡県の伊豆半島にある城ケ崎海岸で17人、沖縄県恩納村の真栄田岬で13人、千葉県船橋市の「ふなばし三番瀬海浜公園」周辺で11人 (17 people at Jogasaki Coast in Izu Peninsula, 13 people at Maeda Misaki in Onna Village, Okinawa, and 11 people around Funabashi Sanbanze Seaside Park in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture).
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