辺野古「代執行訴訟」で沖縄県敗訴 埋め立て設計変更の承認命じる
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
代執行 (だいしっこう) | N1 | Noun | enforcement, execution |
訴訟 (そしょう) | N2 | Noun | lawsuit, litigation |
命じる (めいじる) | N2 | Verb (Godan) | to order, to command |
期限 (きげん) | N3 | Noun | time limit, deadline |
送達 (そうたつ) | N1 | Noun | delivery, service |
休日 (きゅうじつ) | N3 | Noun | holiday, day off |
踏み切る (ふみきる) | N2 | Verb (Godan) | to take the plunge, to start |
広がる (ひろがる) | N3 | Verb (Godan) | to spread, to extend |
逆転 (ぎゃくてん) | N2 | Noun | reversal, overturn |
対応 (たいおう) | N2 | Noun | response, coping |
著しい (いちじるしい) | N1 | Adjective (い) | remarkable, striking |
争う (あらそう) | N3 | Verb (Godan) | to dispute, to argue |
安全保障 (あんぜんほしょう) | N1 | Noun | security, defense |
主張 (しゅちょう) | N2 | Noun | claim, assertion |
投票 (とうひょう) | N3 | Noun | vote, ballot |
反対 (はんたい) | N3 | Noun | opposition, resistance |
示す (しめす) | N3 | Verb (Godan) | to show, to indicate |
明確 (めいかく) | N2 | Noun | clear, definite |
防衛 (ぼうえい) | N1 | Noun | defense, protection |
土砂 (どしゃ) | N1 | Noun | earth and sand |
投入 (とうにゅう) | N1 | Noun | input, investment |
改良 (かいりょう) | N2 | Noun | improvement, reform |
不十分 (ふじゅうぶん) | N2 | Adjective (な) | insufficient, inadequate |
義務 (ぎむ) | N2 | Noun | duty, obligation |
自主性 (じしゅせい) | N1 | Noun | autonomy, independence |
侵害 (しんがい) | N1 | Noun | violation, infringement |
到底 (とうてい) | N1 | Adverb | by no means, absolutely not |
容認 (ようにん) | N1 | Noun | approval, consent |
意見陳述 (いけんちんじゅつ) | N1 | Noun | statement of opinion |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Grammatical points:
- 代執行訴訟で、福岡高裁那覇支部は国の訴えを認め、県に承認するよう命じる判決を言い渡した。
- Structure:
- This sentence contains the following grammatical points:
- 代執行訴訟で: “In the enforcement lawsuit”
- 国の訴えを認め: “admitted the government’s claim”
- 県に承認するよう命じる判決を言い渡した: “issued a judgment ordering the prefecture to approve”
- This sentence contains the following grammatical points:
- Grammatical points:
Sentence 2:
- Grammatical points:
- 期限は、判決の正本の送達を受けた日の翌日から3日以内としている。
- Structure:
- This sentence contains the following grammatical points:
- 期限は: “The deadline is”
- 判決の正本の送達を受けた日の翌日から3日以内: “within 3 days from the day of receiving the original copy of the judgment”
- This sentence contains the following grammatical points:
- Grammatical points:
Sentence 3:
- Grammatical points:
- 国は代執行に踏み切り、軟弱地盤が広がる区域で埋め立てに向けた工事を始める。
- Structure:
- This sentence contains the following grammatical points:
- 代執行に踏み切り: “take enforcement action”
- 軟弱地盤が広がる区域で埋め立てに向けた工事を始める: “begin construction for land reclamation in the area where the weak ground spreads”
- This sentence contains the following grammatical points:
- Grammatical points:
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