インドの首都、大気汚染でかすむ WHO基準の100倍近くの日も
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
深刻 (しんこく) | N3 | な-adjective | serious |
影響 (えいきょう) | N3 | noun | influence |
続く (つづく) | N4 | godan verb | to continue |
中心部 (ちゅうしんぶ) | N3 | noun | downtown area |
官邸 (かんてい) | N1 | noun | official residence |
近く (ちかく) | N4 | noun | vicinity |
見えにくい (みえにくい) | N3 | い-adjective | hard to see |
専門家 (せんもんか) | N2 | noun | specialist |
着用 (ちゃくよう) | N2 | noun | wearing |
散歩 (さんぽ) | N4 | noun | walk |
促す (うながす) | N2 | godan verb | to urge |
世界 (せかい) | N5 | noun | world |
保健 (ほけん) | N3 | noun | health |
機関 (きかん) | N2 | noun | organization |
有害 (ゆうがい) | N2 | な-adjective | harmful |
濃度 (のうど) | N2 | noun | concentration |
平均 (へいきん) | N3 | noun | average |
求める (もとめる) | N3 | ichidan verb | to seek |
基準 (きじゅん) | N3 | noun | standard |
停止 (ていし) | N3 | noun | suspension |
建設 (けんせつ) | N3 | noun | construction |
効果 (こうか) | N3 | noun | effect |
限定的 (げんていてき) | N1 | な-adjective | limited |
国際 (こくさい) | N4 | noun | international |
人権 (じんけん) | N3 | noun | human rights |
侵害 (しんがい) | N1 | noun | violation |
恐れ (おそれ) | N3 | noun | fear |
声明 (せいめい) | N2 | noun | statement |
抜本的 (ばっぽんてき) | N1 | な-adjective | fundamental |
改善策 (かいぜんさく) | N2 | noun | improvement plan |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Difficult Sentences
- 専門家はマスクの着用などを促しているが、ジョギングや散歩をする人で着用している人はほとんどいなかった。
- ただ、現地メディアは11月に入り、「デリーの濃度は、WHO基準の100倍近くに上る日が出た」と報じている。
- 地元政府は大気汚染の悪化や健康被害を防ぐため、10日まで小学校への通学を停止した。
- Grammatical Points: This sentence contains the causative form (促す) and the te-form (着用している).
- Structure: The sentence starts with the subject “専門家” (experts) followed by the topic marker “は”. Then, the causative form “促している” (are encouraging) is used to express the action of encouraging. The conjunction “が” connects the first clause to the second clause, where the te-form “着用している” (wearing) is used to describe the state of people who are jogging or walking.
- Grammatical Points: This sentence includes the quotation structure with the verb “報じている” (reporting) and the expression “100倍近くに上る” (nearly 100 times higher).
- Structure: The sentence begins with the conjunction “ただ” (however), followed by the topic “現地メディア” (local media) and the topic marker “は”. Then, the time phrase “11月に入り” (since November) is used, followed by the direct quotation “デリーの濃度は、WHO基準の100倍近くに上る日が出た” (the concentration in Delhi has reached nearly 100 times the WHO standard) and the verb “報じている” (reporting).
- Grammatical Points: This sentence features the purpose clause using the verb “停止した” (stopped) and the te-form “防ぐため” (to prevent).
- Structure: The sentence starts with the subject “地元政府” (local government) followed by the topic marker “は”. Then, the purpose clause “大気汚染の悪化や健康被害を防ぐため” (in order to prevent worsening air pollution and health damage) is used, followed by the time phrase “10日まで” (until the 10th) and the direct object “小学校への通学” (commuting to elementary schools), and the verb “停止した” (stopped).
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