新「京都駅」は桂川駅付近? 北陸新幹線新駅候補、人口大幅増の地域
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
設置 (せっち) | N2 | noun | installation |
挙げる (あげる) | N2 | godan verb | to raise; to mention |
停車 (ていしゃ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | stopping (of a train) |
開業 (かいぎょう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | opening (a business) |
再開発 (さいかいはつ) | N2 | noun | redevelopment |
進出 (しんしゅつ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | advance; entry into a market |
流出 (りゅうしゅつ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | outflow |
悩む (なやむ) | N2 | godan verb | to be troubled; to worry |
増える (ふえる) | N3 | ichidan verb | to increase |
直結 (ちょっけつ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | direct connection |
利便性 (りべんせい) | N2 | noun | convenience |
引きつける (ひきつける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to attract |
比べる (くらべる) | N3 | ichidan verb | to compare |
増加 (ぞうか) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | increase |
歯止め (はどめ) | N2 | noun | brake; check |
位置づける (いちづける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to position; to place |
建築 (けんちく) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | architecture; construction |
緩和 (かんわ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | relaxation; alleviation |
需要 (じゅよう) | N2 | noun | demand |
追い風 (おいかぜ) | N2 | noun | favorable wind |
進む (すすむ) | N3 | godan verb | to advance; to proceed |
変化 (へんか) | N3 | noun/ichidan verb | change |
直線 (ちょくせん) | N2 | noun | straight line |
最大級 (さいだいきゅう) | N2 | noun | largest class |
特殊 (とくしゅ) | N2 | noun | special |
住宅 (じゅうたく) | N2 | noun | housing |
需要 (じゅよう) | N2 | noun | demand |
計画 (けいかく) | N2 | noun | plan |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to promote; to advance |
付属 (ふぞく) | N2 | noun | attached; affiliated |
企業 (きぎょう) | N2 | noun | enterprise; business |
交通 (こうつう) | N2 | noun | transportation |
需要 (じゅよう) | N2 | noun | demand |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「子育て世代が市外に流出して人口減少に悩む京都市にあって、人口が大幅に増えている。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「にあって」: This is a conjunctive phrase that indicates a situation or context. It can be translated as “in the context of” or “in light of.”
- 「流出して」: This is the te-form of the verb 「流出する」 (to flow out), which connects to the following clause.
- 「悩む」: This verb means “to be troubled” or “to suffer,” indicating the state of Kyoto city.
- The sentence contrasts the situation of Kyoto city, which is experiencing a population decrease due to families moving out, with the fact that the population is actually increasing in that same context. The main subject is “人口が大幅に増えている” (the population is significantly increasing), while the first part sets the background of the situation.
Sentence: 「合計特殊出生率でみても南区は市内11行政区の中でトップだ。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「でみても」: This phrase combines the particle 「で」 (indicating the means or method) with 「みる」 (to see or to consider) in the te-form, followed by 「も」 (even). It suggests that even when considering the total fertility rate, the following statement holds true.
- 「合計特殊出生率」: This term refers to the total fertility rate, a statistical measure of the number of children a woman would have in her lifetime.
- The sentence states that when considering the total fertility rate, the South Ward (南区) ranks at the top among the 11 administrative districts in the city. The main clause is “南区は市内11行政区の中でトップだ,” which asserts the ranking, while the first part provides the context for this ranking.
Sentence: 「これまではおおむね6階建て程度のマンションしか建てられなかった国道171号沿いや久世橋通沿いで高さ制限を21メートルから30メートルに、容積率も300%から400%に緩和し、住宅やオフィスなど多様な建築需要に応えられるようにした。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「しか」: This particle indicates limitation, meaning “only” or “just,” emphasizing that only a certain type of building could be constructed.
- 「緩和し」: This is the te-form of the verb 「緩和する」 (to relax or ease), which connects to the following clause.
- 「ようにした」: This phrase indicates an intention or effort to achieve a certain outcome, translating to “made it so that.”
- The sentence describes a change in regulations regarding building heights and floor area ratios along specific roads. It begins with the previous limitation on building heights, then states the new height and area ratio limits, and concludes with the purpose of these changes: to meet diverse construction needs for housing and offices. The structure is complex, with multiple clauses connected to convey a comprehensive change in urban planning.
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