石破氏、首相と直接対峙も裏金に触れず 「肝心な時に逃げる」の声も
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
立つ (たつ) | N5 | Godan verb | to stand |
質問 (しつもん) | N3 | Noun | question |
起こる (おこる) | N4 | Godan verb | to occur |
踏む (ふむ) | N3 | Godan verb | to step on |
指摘 (してき) | N2 | Noun | pointing out |
続ける (つづける) | N3 | Ichidan verb | to continue |
答える (こたえる) | N4 | Ichidan verb | to answer |
求める (もとめる) | N3 | Godan verb | to request |
迫る (せまる) | N2 | Godan verb | to urge |
言及 (げんきゅう) | N2 | Noun | mention |
質問 (しつもん) | N3 | Noun | question |
問う (とう) | N1 | Godan verb | to ask |
記者 (きしゃ) | N3 | Noun | journalist |
問う (とう) | N1 | Godan verb | to ask |
理由 (りゆう) | N3 | Noun | reason |
説明 (せつめい) | N3 | Noun | explanation |
弁明 (べんめい) | N2 | Noun | justification |
話題 (わだい) | N3 | Noun | topic |
転じる (てんじる) | N1 | Godan verb | to turn to |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N3 | Na-adjective | important |
発展 (はってん) | N2 | Noun | development |
考え方 (かんがえかた) | N3 | Noun | way of thinking |
議論 (ぎろん) | N2 | Noun | discussion |
当事者 (とうじしゃ) | N1 | Noun | person concerned |
弁明 (べんめい) | N2 | Noun | justification |
政治 (せいじ) | N3 | Noun | politics |
肝心 (かんじん) | N1 | Na-adjective | essential |
逃げる (にげる) | N4 | Ichidan verb | to escape |
苦笑する (くしょうする) | N1 | Suru verb | to smile bitterly |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Explanation of grammatical points:
- “石破氏” (Ishiba-san) - This is the abbreviation of 石破茂 (Ishiba Shigeru), a person’s name.
- “質疑” (shitsugi) - Questioning or interrogation.
- “最初に選んだ” (saisho ni eranda) - Chose at the beginning.
- “88年前のこの日” (hachijūhachi nen mae no kono hi) - This day 88 years ago.
- “起こった” (okotta) - Happened.
- “2・26事件” (ni-ni-roku jiken) - The February 26 Incident.
Structure of the sentence:
- Subject: 石破氏 (Ishiba-san)
- Object: テーマ (theme)
- Verb: 選んだ (chose)
- Adverbial phrase: 質疑の最初に (at the beginning of questioning)
- Relative clause: 88年前のこの日に起こった (that happened on this day 88 years ago)
- Noun phrase: 「2・26事件」 (the February 26 Incident)
Explanation of grammatical points:
- “裏金問題” (urakin mondai) - Secret funds issue.
- “言及” (genkyū) - Mention or reference.
- “質問後” (shitsumon-go) - After questioning.
- “記者団” (kisha-dan) - Press corps.
- “その理由を問われ” (sono riyū o toware) - Asked for the reason.
- “時間が短い” (jikan ga mijikai) - Time is short.
Structure of the sentence:
- Adverb: ただ (however)
- Adverbial phrase: 裏金問題への言及はなく (without mentioning the secret funds issue)
- Subject: 記者団 (press corps)
- Object: 理由 (reason)
- Verb: 問われ (asked)
- Noun phrase: 時間が短い (time is short)
Explanation of grammatical points:
- “一方” (ippō) - On the other hand.
- “党幹部” (tōkanbu) - Party executive.
- “政治改革” (seiji kaikaku) - Political reform.
- “叫ぶ” (sakebu) - To shout or call for.
- “一番大事な” (ichiban daiji na) - The most important.
- “予算委” (yosan-i) - Budget committee.
- “何も聞かない” (nanimo kikanai) - Not ask anything.
Structure of the sentence:
- Adverb: 一方 (on the other hand)
- Subject: 党幹部 (party executive)
- Object: 石破氏 (Ishiba-san)
- Verb phrase: 「テレビであれだけ政治改革を叫んでおきながら、一番大事な予算委で何も聞かない」 (not asking anything at the most important budget committee despite shouting for political reform on TV)
- Adjective phrase: 一番大事な (the most important)
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