
イスラエル兵、シファ病院内を移動して患者らを尋問 BBC報道


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
突入 (とつにゅう)N2Noun, Suru verbpenetration, invasion
継続 (けいぞく)N3Noun, Suru verbcontinuation, persistence
明らか (あきらか)N3Na-adjectiveobvious, evident
精密 (せいみつ)N1Na-adjective, Nounprecise, accurate
的を絞る (まとをしぼる)N1Expressionto focus on the target
配慮 (はいりょ)N2Noun, Suru verbconsideration, concern
及ぶ (およぶ)N3Godan verbto reach, to extend to
強調 (きょうちょう)N3Noun, Suru verbemphasis, highlight
主張 (しゅちょう)N3Noun, Suru verbclaim, assertion
伝える (つたえる)N4Ichidan verbto convey, to report
捜索 (そうさく)N1Noun, Suru verbsearch, investigation
発砲 (はっぽう)N1Noun, Suru verbfiring (gun), shooting
爆発音 (ばくはつおん)N1Nounexplosion sound
投降 (とうこう)N1Noun, Suru verbsurrender, capitulation
呼びかける (よびかける)N3Ichidan verbto call out, to appeal
確認 (かくにん)N3Noun, Suru verbconfirmation, verification
覆面 (ふくめん)N1Nounmask, disguise
叫ぶ (さけぶ)N3Godan verbto shout, to yell
尋問 (じんもん)N1Noun, Suru verbinterrogation, questioning
銃撃戦 (じゅうげきせん)N1Noungun battle, gunfire

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Grammatical Points:
      • とも強調
        • This is a structure used to express that the speaker emphasizes or stresses a particular point.
    • Structure of the Sentence:
      • The main clause is “軍は『精密で的を絞った作戦』としている” (The military is regarding it as a precise and targeted operation). The subordinate clause “とも強調” (also emphasizes) is used to indicate that the military is also emphasizing the point about sending medical teams and Arabic-speaking soldiers to ensure that civilians are not harmed.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Grammatical Points:
      • と伝えた
        • This is a structure used to report what someone else has said or conveyed.
    • Structure of the Sentence:
      • The main clause is “アルジャジーラは15日、同病院の病院長の話として” (Al Jazeera reported on the 15th that, as the hospital director said). The subordinate clause “と伝えた” (conveyed) is used to report the content of what the hospital director said, which is about the Israeli military searching the underground of the hospital.
  • Sentence 3:

    • Grammatical Points:
      • と報じた
        • This is a structure used to report what has been reported by someone else.
    • Structure of the Sentence:
      • The main clause is “CNNは同日、病院内にいる地元メディアの記者の話として” (CNN reported on the same day, as the local media reporters in the hospital said). The subordinate clause “と報じた” (reported) is used to report the content of what the local media reporters said, which is about the Israeli military using a megaphone to call on the young people to raise their hands and surrender.


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