
日本とベトナム国交50年、友好深める音楽を 表参道でイベント開催


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
通じる (つうじる)N3Verbto be understood
深める (ふかめる)N3Verbto deepen
表参道 (おもてさんどう)N/ANounOmotesando (famous street in Tokyo)
開催する (かいさいする)N3Verbto hold (an event)
国交樹立 (こっこうこりつ)N/ANounestablishment of diplomatic relations
続ける (つづける)N4Verbto continue
実行委員長 (じっこういいんちょう)N/ANounexecutive committee chairman
代表 (だいひょう)N4Nounrepresentative
選ぶ (えらぶ)N4Verbto choose
出演する (しゅつえんする)N3Verbto appear (in a performance)
親しまれる (したしまれる)N3Verbto be loved/familiar
演奏する (えんそうする)N4Verbto perform (music)
登録制 (とうろくせい)N/ANounregistration system
問い合わせ (といあわせ)N/ANouninquiry
午前 (ごぜん)N5Nounmorning
午後 (ごご)N5Nounafternoon
中井 (なかい)N/ANounNakai (a surname)
日本 (にほん)N5NounJapan
友好 (ゆうこう)N/ANounfriendship
カワイN/ANounKawai (a brand name)
パウゼN/ANounPauze (a place name)
クラシックN/ANounclassical music
名曲 (めいきょく)N/ANounfamous piece of music

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The phrase “音楽を通じて” indicates the means or method by which something is done. It expresses the idea of “through music” or “by means of music.”
      • The phrase “日本とベトナムの友好を深めようと” is a volitional form of the verb “深める” (to deepen) combined with the auxiliary verb “ようと” to express the intention or purpose of deepening the friendship between Japan and Vietnam.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • The sentence starts with the purpose clause “日本とベトナムの友好を深めようと” (to deepen the friendship between Japan and Vietnam) and then introduces the event “第4回日本ベトナムピアノフェスティバル” (the 4th Japan-Vietnam Piano Festival) that is being held to achieve this purpose. The introductory phrase “音楽を通じて” further explains the method through which the friendship is intended to be deepened.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The phrase “これまでも” means “up until now” or “in the past as well.”
      • The verb “続けてきた” is the te-form of the verb “続ける” (to continue) combined with the auxiliary verb “くる” to indicate the continuation of an action from the past up to the present.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • This sentence introduces the pianist 樋口あゆ子さん (Ayuko Higuchi) who has been continuing her performance activities in Vietnam up until now. The phrase “これまでも” emphasizes the continuity of her activities, and the verb “続けてきた” indicates the ongoing nature of her performance activities.
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The phrase “両国の代表として選ばれた” is a relative clause modifying the noun “グエン・ダン・クアンさん” and “吉原佳奈さん,” indicating that they have been chosen as representatives of both countries.
      • The phrase “両国で親しまれてきた” is the passive form of the verb “親しむ” (to be familiar with) combined with the auxiliary verb “てくる” to indicate the continuous action of being familiar with classical masterpieces in both countries.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • This sentence describes the performers, グエン・ダン・クアンさん and 吉原佳奈さん, who have been selected as representatives of both countries. It also mentions that classical masterpieces, which have been familiar in both countries, will be performed. The passive form “親しまれてきた” emphasizes the continuous nature of the familiarity with the classical pieces.


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