Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
亡くなる (なくなる) | N3 | Verb | to pass away |
頼れる (たよれる) | N2 | Verb | reliable |
深い (ふかい) | N4 | い-adjective | deep |
導く (みちびく) | N3 | Verb | to lead |
欠かせない (かかせない) | N2 | Verb | indispensable |
復活 (ふっかつ) | N2 | Noun | revival |
急きょ (きゅうきょ) | N2 | Adverb | hastily |
依頼 (いらい) | N2 | Noun | request |
最後方 (さいこう) | N2 | Noun | rear |
直線 (ちょくせん) | N2 | Noun | straight line |
肝のすわった (きものすわった) | N1 | Adjective | bold |
強烈 (きょうれつ) | N2 | Noun | intense |
末脚 (まっきゃく) | N1 | Noun | strong finish |
引き出す (ひきだす) | N3 | Verb | to draw out |
プレゼント | N3 | Noun | present |
制覇 (せいは) | N1 | Noun | conquest |
縁遠い (えんとおい) | N1 | い-adjective | distant |
インタビュー | N3 | Noun | interview |
メッセージ | N3 | Noun | message |
応援 (おうえん) | N3 | Noun | support |
期待 (きたい) | N3 | Noun | expectation |
悲運 (ひうん) | N1 | Noun | misfortune |
騎手 (きしゅ) | N2 | Noun | jockey |
厩舎 (きゅうしゃ) | N2 | Noun | stable |
調教 (ちょうきょう) | N2 | Noun | training |
騎乗 (きじょう) | N2 | Noun | riding |
騎手 (きしゅ) | N2 | Noun | jockey |
勝利 (しょうり) | N3 | Noun | victory |
騎手 (きしゅ) | N2 | Noun | jockey |
勝利 (しょうり) | N3 | Noun | victory |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1: それでも、確かな調教技術と分析力の高さを買われ、強豪馬が集う友道厩舎の調教には欠かせない存在だった。
- Grammatical points:
- 買われる: passive form of the verb 買う (to buy), indicating that someone’s skills or abilities are recognized or valued by others.
- 欠かせない: negative form of the potential form of the verb 欠く (to lack), used to express necessity or indispensability.
- Structure:
- Subject + でも (even so) + adjective + noun + を + passive verb + 、 + noun + の + noun + には + adjective + 存在だった。
- Despite that, he was an indispensable presence in the training of the Yudou stable, where top-class horses gathered, due to his reliable training skills and high analytical ability.
- Grammatical points:
Sentence 2: ほぼ最後方で最後の直線を迎える肝のすわった騎乗。
- Grammatical points:
- 迎える: verb meaning “to reach” or “to face”.
- 肝のすわった: an expression meaning “gutsy” or “bold”.
- Structure:
- Adverbial phrase + で + noun + を + verb + adjective + noun.
- A gutsy ride facing the final straight from almost the rear.
- Grammatical points:
Sentence 3: それにもかかわらず、優勝後のインタビューでファンへメッセージを求められると、自分のことではなく「これからもナミュールの応援、よろしくお願いします」と締めた。
- Grammatical points:
- かかわらず: conjunction meaning “despite” or “nevertheless”.
- 求められる: passive form of the verb 求める (to request), indicating that the action of requesting a message is done by someone else.
- 締める: verb meaning “to close” or “to conclude”.
- Structure:
- それにもかかわらず、noun + の + noun + で + noun + へ + noun + を + passive verb + と、noun + の + noun + ではなく + quotation + と + verb + た。
- Nevertheless, when asked for a message to the fans in the post-victory interview, he closed not with words about himself but with “Please continue to support Namuul from now on.”
- Grammatical points:
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