KDDI、ローソン株をTOBへ 非上場化して三菱商事と共同経営
Word | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
持つ (もつ) | N4 | Godan Verb | to hold, to possess |
強化する | N3 | Suru Verb | to strengthen |
提携する | N2 | Suru Verb | to tie up, to collaborate |
進む (すすむ) | N4 | Godan Verb | to advance, to progress |
保有する | N2 | Suru Verb | to own, to possess |
発表する | N3 | Suru Verb | to announce, to present |
持ち合い | N1 | Noun | joint ownership |
強調する | N2 | Suru Verb | to emphasize, to stress |
上場廃止 | N1 | Noun | delisting |
提供する | N3 | Suru Verb | to offer, to provide |
完了する | N2 | Suru Verb | to complete |
頭打ち | N1 | Noun | reaching a plateau |
提案する | N2 | Suru Verb | to propose, to suggest |
連携する | N1 | Suru Verb | to cooperate, to collaborate |
拡大する | N2 | Suru Verb | to expand, to enlarge |
成熟する | N2 | Suru Verb | to mature, to ripen |
連携させる | N1 | Suru Verb | to coordinate, to link up |
持ち合わせ | N1 | Noun | possession, having |
保有している | N2 | Suru Verb | to have, to possess |
強化をねらう | N1 | Noun | aiming for strengthening |
提携の意義 | N1 | Noun | significance of collaboration |
提案は | N2 | Noun | proposal, suggestion |
進む将来 | N1 | Noun | advancing future |
通信技術 | N2 | Noun | communication technology |
資本提携 | N1 | Noun | capital tie-up |
資本業務提携 | N1 | Noun | capital business tie-up |
連携を結ぶ | N1 | Suru Verb | to form a tie-up, to collaborate |
接客する | N2 | Suru Verb | to serve customers |
提供したい | N1 | Suru Verb | want to offer, to provide |
拡大をめざす | N1 | Suru Verb | to aim for expansion |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “持つ” (もつ, to hold/possess) in the form of “持ち合い” (もちあい, joint ownership).
- “かけあわせ” is a compound verb formed by combining the verbs “かける” (to apply) and “あわせる” (to combine).
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- “コンビニの店舗と通信技術をかけあわせ” is the main clause, meaning “combining convenience store outlets and communication technology.”
- “金融やネット通販など多様なサービスの強化をねらう” is the purpose or intention of the action in the main clause, meaning “aiming to strengthen various services such as finance and online shopping.”
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 2:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “持つ” (もつ, to hold/possess) in the form of “持つ” (もつ, to hold/possess).
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- “通信・デジタル技術を持つKDDIからの提案は” is the subject of the sentence, meaning “the proposal from KDDI, which possesses communication and digital technology.”
- “我々が進む将来への大きな力になる” is the predicate, meaning “will be a great force for the future we are heading towards.”
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 3:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The sentence uses the nominalizer “こと” to turn the verb “提供したい” (to want to provide) into a noun phrase.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- “新しいサービスを提供したい” is the main clause, meaning “want to provide new services.”
- “考えだ” is the explanatory or conclusive sentence-ending particle, indicating that the preceding statement is the speaker’s opinion or thought.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
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