
健大高崎は英明と初戦、大阪桐蔭は興南と激突 夏の甲子園組み合わせ


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
開幕する (かいまくする)N2godan verbto open (an event)
組み合わせ (くみあわせ)N2nouncombination
決まる (きまる)N2godan verbto be decided
対戦する (たいせんする)N2irregular verbto compete against
激突する (げきとつする)N2irregular verbto clash
連覇 (れんぱ)N2nounconsecutive championships
出場する (しゅつじょうする)N2irregular verbto participate
優勝 (ゆうしょう)N2nounchampionship victory
顔合わせ (かおあわせ)N2nounface-off
希望する (きぼうする)N2irregular verbto hope
宣誓 (せんせい)N2nounoath
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance
休養 (きゅうよう)N2nounrest
日程 (にってい)N2nounschedule
決勝 (けっしょう)N2nounfinal match
特別 (とくべつ)N2な-adjectivespecial
直後 (ちょくご)N2nounimmediately after
連続 (れんぞく)N2nounconsecutive
組み合わせる (くみあわせる)N2godan verbto combine
参加する (さんかする)N3irregular verbto participate
競う (きそう)N2godan verbto compete
進行する (しんこうする)N2irregular verbto proceed
期待する (きたいする)N2irregular verbto expect
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
確定する (かくていする)N2irregular verbto determine
予定 (よてい)N2nounplan
参加者 (さんかしゃ)N2nounparticipant
出場校 (しゅつじょうこう)N2nounparticipating schools
競技 (きょうぎ)N2nouncompetition
準優勝 (じゅんゆうしょう)N2nounrunner-up
進めば (すすめば)N2adverbif it proceeds
期待 (きたい)N2nounexpectation
重要視する (じゅうようしする)N2irregular verbto regard as important
参加費 (さんかひ)N2nounparticipation fee

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 開会式直後の開幕カードは有田工(佐賀)と滋賀学園に決まった。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 直後の (ちょくごの): This is a compound adjective where 直後 (ちょくご) means “immediately after.” The の (no) connects it to 開会式 (かいかいしき), indicating that the opening card occurs immediately after the opening ceremony.
      • に決まった (にきまった): This phrase means “was decided.” The verb 決まる (きまる) is in the past tense, indicating that the decision has already been made.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject “開会式直後の開幕カード” (the opening card immediately after the opening ceremony), followed by the topic marker “は” (wa). The predicate “有田工(佐賀)と滋賀学園に決まった” (was decided to be Arita Kō (Saga) and Shiga Gakuen) completes the thought, indicating what the opening match will be.
  2. Sentence: 選抜大会2年連続準優勝の報徳学園(兵庫)は第5日第3試合で、32年ぶり出場の大社(島根)との顔合わせ。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 2年連続 (にねんれんぞく): This means “two consecutive years.” The structure indicates a time frame for the achievement.
      • 準優勝 (じゅんゆうしょう): This means “runner-up.” It describes the status of 報徳学園 (Hōtoku Gakuen).
      • との (to no): This indicates a relationship or comparison, meaning “with” or “against.”
    • Structure:

      • The subject “選抜大会2年連続準優勝の報徳学園(兵庫)” (Hōtoku Gakuen, runner-up in the selection tournament for two consecutive years) is introduced first. The phrase “第5日第3試合で” (in the third match on the fifth day) provides context for when the match occurs. Finally, “32年ぶり出場の大社(島根)との顔合わせ” (a face-off against Taisha (Shimane), participating for the first time in 32 years) completes the sentence, indicating the opponent and the significance of the match.
  3. Sentence: 選手宣誓は希望した19校の主将がくじを引き、智弁和歌山の辻旭陽に決まった。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 選手宣誓 (せんしゅせんせい): This means “player’s oath,” which is the subject of the sentence.
      • 希望した (きぼうした): This is the past tense of 希望する (きぼうする), meaning “to wish” or “to hope.” It indicates that the 19 schools expressed a desire.
      • に決まった (にきまった): Similar to the first sentence, this means “was decided,” indicating the outcome of the selection process.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject “選手宣誓” (the player’s oath), followed by the action “は” (wa) indicating the topic. The clause “希望した19校の主将がくじを引き” (the captains of the 19 schools that wished drew lots) describes the action taken to determine who would perform the oath. Finally, “智弁和歌山の辻旭陽に決まった” (was decided to be Tsujii Asahi from Chiben Wakayama) concludes the sentence, specifying the individual chosen for the oath.


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