岸和田市長2度目の不信任で失職決まる 市長選出馬「前向きに検討」
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
採決 (さいけつ) | N2 | noun | voting; ballot |
可決 (かけつ) | N2 | noun | approval; passing (of a bill) |
失職 (しっしょく) | N2 | noun | loss of job; dismissal |
立候補 (りっこうほ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | candidacy; to run for office |
検討 (けんとう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | consideration; to consider |
指摘 (してき) | N2 | noun/godan verb | indication; to point out |
批判 (ひはん) | N2 | noun/godan verb | criticism; to criticize |
解散 (かいさん) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | dissolution; to dissolve |
大義 (たいぎ) | N2 | noun | just cause; righteousness |
莫大 (ばくだい) | N2 | な-adjective | enormous; vast |
血税 (けつぜい) | N2 | noun | taxpayers’ money |
言語道断 (ごんごどうだん) | N1 | noun | outrageous; intolerable |
謝罪 (しゃざい) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | apology; to apologize |
和解 (わかい) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | reconciliation; to reconcile |
反発 (はんぱつ) | N2 | noun/godan verb | backlash; to oppose |
賛成 (さんせい) | N2 | noun/godan verb | agreement; to agree |
反対 (はんたい) | N2 | noun/godan verb | opposition; to oppose |
経て (へて) | N2 | godan verb | to pass through; to go through |
初当選 (はつとうせん) | N2 | noun | first election victory |
離党 (りとう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | leaving a political party; to defect |
勧告 (かんこく) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | recommendation; to recommend |
費用 (ひよう) | N2 | noun | cost; expense |
上がる (あがる) | N3 | godan verb | to rise; to go up |
占める (しめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to occupy; to account for |
参加 (さんか) | N3 | noun/ichidan verb | participation; to participate |
政治 (せいじ) | N3 | noun | politics |
説明 (せつめい) | N3 | noun/ichidan verb | explanation; to explain |
責任 (せきにん) | N3 | noun | responsibility |
混乱 (こんらん) | N2 | noun/godan verb | confusion; to confuse |
決議 (けつぎ) | N2 | noun | resolution; decision |
参加者 (さんかしゃ) | N2 | noun | participant |
直近 (ちょっきん) | N2 | noun | most recent; latest |
見込む (みこむ) | N2 | godan verb | to expect; to anticipate |
事前 (じぜん) | N2 | noun | beforehand; prior |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Grammatical Points:
- 「では」 indicates the context or setting of the explanation, meaning “in terms of” or “regarding.”
- 「について」 means “about” or “concerning,” introducing the topic of the explanation.
- 「指摘」 is a noun meaning “pointing out” or “indication,” and in this context, it is used as a verb meaning “to point out.”
- The use of quotation marks indicates that the statements are direct quotes from the explanation.
- The sentence begins with the context (“提案理由説明では”) followed by the subject (“永野市長について”) and then presents the quoted statements that were pointed out regarding the mayor’s actions. The structure is straightforward, leading from the context to the subject and then to the content of the explanation.
Grammatical Points:
- 「ことをめぐり」 means “regarding the matter of,” introducing the topic of the sentence.
- 「謝罪して」 is the te-form of the verb 「謝罪する」 (to apologize), indicating a sequence of actions.
- 「内容で」 means “in the content of,” indicating the nature of the agreement reached in court.
- 「和解」 is a noun meaning “settlement” or “reconciliation,” used here as a verb meaning “to settle.”
- The sentence starts with the subject (“永野市長は昨年11月”) and provides context about the time and situation. It then describes the actions taken by the mayor regarding the relationship with the woman, leading to an apology and a settlement in court. The structure is complex due to the multiple actions and the use of clauses.
Grammatical Points:
- 「され」 is the passive form of the verb 「する」 (to do), indicating that the action of dissolving the assembly is done to the assembly.
- 「経た後の」 means “after going through,” where 「経た」 is the past form of 「経る」 (to go through).
- 「場合は」 means “in the case that,” introducing a conditional situation.
- 「可決となる」 means “to be approved,” where 「となる」 indicates a change of state.
- The sentence begins with a conditional clause (“議会が解散され、選挙を経た後の議会で”) that sets the scenario. It then specifies the conditions under which the proposal would be approved, detailing the requirements for attendance and majority support. The structure is complex, with multiple clauses and conditions.
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