
北九州のソウルフード、資さんうどん すかいらーく傘下で店舗拡大へ


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
取得 (しゅとく)N2nounacquisition
取得する (しゅとくする)N2godan verbto acquire
発祥 (はっしょう)N2nounorigin
運営 (うんえい)N2nounmanagement
拡大 (かくだい)N2nounexpansion
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto promote
維持 (いじ)N2nounmaintenance
譲渡 (じょうと)N2nountransfer
実行 (じっこう)N2nounexecution
創業 (そうぎょう)N2nounestablishment
親しまれる (したしまれる)N2ichidan verbto be loved
展開 (てんかい)N2noundevelopment
構える (かまえる)N2godan verbto set up
招き入れる (まねきいれる)N2ichidan verbto invite in
高める (たかめる)N2ichidan verbto raise
人気 (にんき)N3nounpopularity
知られる (しられる)N2ichidan verbto be known
しのぎを削る (しのぎをけずる)N2expressionto compete fiercely
進む (すすむ)N3godan verbto advance
予定 (よてい)N3nounschedule
価額 (かがく)N2nounvalue
会社 (かいしゃ)N5nouncompany
子会社 (こがいしゃ)N2nounsubsidiary
店舗 (てんぽ)N2nounstore
地元 (じもと)N3nounlocal
食べ物 (たべもの)N5nounfood
人気チェーン (にんきちぇーん)N2nounpopular chain
集客力 (しゅうきゃくりょく)N2nouncustomer attraction power
うどん (うどん)N5nounudon (noodle)
豚骨 (とんこつ)N2nounpork bone
高い (たかい)N5い-adjectivehigh

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 取得価額は240億円。
    Grammatical Points:

    • 取得価額 (しゅとくかがく): “acquisition price” - a noun compound where 取得 (しゅとく) means “acquisition” and 価額 (かがく) means “price.”
    • は: Topic marker, indicating that what precedes it is the topic of the sentence.
    • 240億円 (おくえん): “24 billion yen” - a numerical expression where 億 (おく) means “hundred million” and 円 (えん) means “yen.”

    The sentence is a simple declarative statement. It presents the topic (the acquisition price) followed by the information about that topic (the specific amount).

  2. Sentence: 資さんうどんは、すかいらーくHDがもつ製造・物流インフラや資金力などを生かし、店舗網の拡大を進める。
    Grammatical Points:

    • は: Topic marker.
    • が: Subject marker, indicating that すかいらーくHD is the subject of the verb.
    • もつ: “to have” or “to possess,” in this context referring to the resources of すかいらーくHD.
    • 生かし (いかし): The gerund form of 生かす (いかす), meaning “to utilize.”
    • 進める (すすめる): “to advance” or “to promote,” indicating an action being taken.

    The sentence has a complex structure with a main clause (店舗網の拡大を進める) and a subordinate clause (すかいらーくHDがもつ製造・物流インフラや資金力などを生かし) that explains how the main action is being carried out. The subordinate clause provides context and details about the resources being utilized.

  3. Sentence: すかいらーくHDは、グループに人気チェーンを招き入れることで、集客力を高める狙いだ。
    Grammatical Points:

    • は: Topic marker.
    • 招き入れる (まねきいれる): A compound verb meaning “to invite in,” where 招く (まねく) means “to invite” and 入れる (いれる) means “to put in.”
    • ことで: A grammatical structure that indicates “by doing” or “through the means of.”
    • 集客力 (しゅうきゃくりょく): “customer attraction power” - a noun compound where 集客 (しゅうきゃく) means “attracting customers” and 力 (りょく) means “power” or “ability.”
    • 狙い (ねらい): “aim” or “goal,” indicating the intention behind the action.

    The sentence consists of a main clause (集客力を高める狙いだ) that states the aim of すかいらーくHD, and a subordinate clause (グループに人気チェーンを招き入れることで) that explains how this aim is to be achieved. The use of ことで connects the action of inviting popular chains to the intended outcome of increasing customer attraction.


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