
小泉法相もパー券「還流」認める 「収支は記載」と説明 参院法務委


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
所属 (しょぞく)N3Nounaffiliation, belonging
販売 (はんばい)N3Nounsales, selling
超える (こえる)N3Verb (ru-verb)to exceed, to surpass
答弁 (とうべん)N1Nounanswer, response
資金 (しきん)N3Nounfunds, capital
受け取る (うけとる)N3Verb (ru-verb)to receive, to accept
記載 (きさい)N2Nounmention, record
質問 (しつもん)N3Nounquestion, inquiry
目安 (めやす)N2Nounstandard, criterion
支出 (ししゅつ)N2Nounexpenditure, spending
受け取る (うけとる)N3Verb (ru-verb)to receive, to accept
明かす (あかす)N2Verb (u-verb)to reveal, to disclose
具体的 (ぐたいてき)N2な-adjectiveconcrete, specific
金額 (きんがく)N3Nounamount of money
細かい (こまかい)N3い-adjectivedetailed, fine
覚える (おぼえる)N4Verb (ru-verb)to remember, to memorize
述べる (のべる)N3Verb (ru-verb)to state, to express
収支 (しゅうし)N1Nounincome and expenditure
記入 (きにゅう)N2Nounentry, filling in
説明 (せつめい)N3Nounexplanation, description

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 小泉氏は、パーティー券の販売ノルマには「一定の目安」があるとし、「派閥の政治団体から、超えた分に見合う支出があり、受け取っている」と明かした。
  • Grammatical points:

    • には: This is a combination of the particle に (indicating a point in time or a specific location) and the topic marker は. In this sentence, it is used to indicate the specific point in time or situation when the quota for party ticket sales exists.
    • とし: This is the continuative form of the verb する (to do) used to connect multiple actions or states. It is often used to express the speaker’s judgment or decision.
    • に見合う: This is a combination of the particle に (indicating a target for comparison) and the verb 見合う (to match, to be equivalent to). It is used to indicate that the expenses match or are equivalent to the amount that exceeded the quota.
  • Sentence structure:

    • In this sentence, the speaker, 小泉氏 (Koizumi), is expressing his acknowledgment that there is a certain standard or guideline for the quota of party ticket sales. He then reveals that there are expenses matching the amount that exceeded the quota, and he is receiving them from the faction’s political organization.
  1. 具体的な金額については「年によって違う。細かい数字は覚えていない」と述べた。
  • Grammatical points:

    • については: This is a combination of the particle について (regarding, concerning) and the topic marker は. It is used to indicate the specific topic or subject of the following statement.
    • によって: This is a phrase used to indicate variation or difference based on the preceding noun. In this sentence, it indicates that the specific amount varies depending on the year.
    • 細かい: This is an adjective meaning “detailed” or “minute.”
  • Sentence structure:

    • In this sentence, the speaker is stating that regarding the specific amount of money, it varies depending on the year, and he does not remember the detailed numbers.
  1. 収支報告書への記載に関しては「(派閥の)政治団体の方も私の収支報告にも、記入している」と説明した。
  • Grammatical points:

    • への: This is a combination of the particle へ (indicating direction or goal) and the possessive particle の. It indicates the direction of the action of writing in the financial report.
    • に関しては: This is a combination of the particle に関して (regarding, concerning) and the topic marker は. It is used to indicate the specific topic or subject of the following statement.
    • も: This particle is used to indicate “also” or “too” in this sentence.
  • Sentence structure:

    • In this sentence, the speaker explains that both the political organization of the faction and his own financial report are being written in regarding the entry in the financial report.


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