
「暇で食べ過ぎた」当時の反省から 熊本国府の監督が呼びかけること


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
予定する (よていする)N3verbto plan, to schedule
中止する (ちゅうしする)N3verbto cancel, to call off
連続する (れんぞくする)N3verbto continue, to occur in succession
抑える (おさえる)N3verbto control, to suppress
腐心する (ふしんする)N1verbto be anxious, to worry
任せる (まかせる)N3verbto entrust, to leave to
呼びかける (よびかける)N2verbto call out, to appeal
管理する (かんりする)N3verbto manage, to control
出場する (しゅつじょうする)N3verbto participate, to compete
増える (ふえる)N3verbto increase, to grow
心配する (しんぱいする)N3verbto worry, to be concerned
休みが欲しい (やすみがほしい)N3phraseto want a break, to desire rest
投げる (なげる)N4verbto throw, to pitch
張りが出る (はりがでる)N3phraseto feel stiffness, to experience tension
努める (つとめる)N3verbto make an effort, to endeavor
広める (ひろめる)N3verbto spread, to promote
過ぎる (すぎる)N3verbto pass, to exceed
疲労回復 (ひろうかいふく)N1nounfatigue recovery
戦う (たたかう)N4verbto fight, to battle
勝つ (かつ)N4verbto win, to be victorious
広げる (ひろげる)N3verbto widen, to expand
選抜 (せんばつ)N1nounselection, choosing
大会 (たいかい)N3nountournament, competition
選手 (せんしゅ)N3nounplayer, athlete
選手権大会 (せんしゅけんたいかい)N1nounchampionship tournament
選手時代 (せんしゅじだい)N1nounplayer era, time as an athlete
選手たち (せんしゅたち)N3nounplayers
選手名 (せんしゅめい)N1nounplayer’s name
選手をする (せんしゅをする)N1phraseto play as an athlete
選手を抑える (せんしゅをおさえる)N1phraseto control the player

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. “2日連続の中止は第82回大会(2010年)以来、14年ぶり。”

    • Grammatical points:
      • 連続 (れんぞく): consecutive
      • 以来 (いらい): since
      • ぶり: a suffix indicating the number of years since something happened
    • Sentence structure:
      • The sentence structure is: [time expression] + 以来 + [period of time] + ぶり.
      • In this sentence, “2日連続の中止” (consecutive two-day cancellations) is the time expression, “第82回大会(2010年)” (82nd tournament in 2010) is the period of time, and “14年ぶり” (14 years since) indicates the number of years since the consecutive cancellations happened.
  2. “選手時代の反省から注意を呼びかけていることがある。”

    • Grammatical points:
      • 反省 (はんせい): reflection
      • 注意 (ちゅうい): caution
      • 呼びかける (よびかける): to call for, to appeal
    • Sentence structure:
      • The sentence structure is: [noun] + から + [verb phrase] + ことがある.
      • In this sentence, “選手時代の反省” (reflection from his player days) is the noun, and “注意を呼びかけている” (calling for caution) is the verb phrase, indicating that he sometimes calls for caution based on reflection from his player days.
  3. “初戦の豊川(愛知)戦では143球を投げて完投勝利。”

    • Grammatical points:
      • 初戦 (しょせん): first game
      • 完投 (かんとう): complete game
      • 勝利 (しょうり): victory
    • Sentence structure:
      • The sentence structure is: [noun] + の + [noun] + では + [number] + を + [verb phrase].
      • In this sentence, “初戦の豊川(愛知)戦” (first game against Toyokawa, Aichi) is the first noun, “143球” (143 pitches) is the number, and “完投勝利” (complete game victory) is the verb phrase, indicating that he threw 143 pitches in the first game and achieved a complete game victory.


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