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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
獲得する (かくとくする)N2godan verbto acquire
破る (やぶる)N2godan verbto break, to defeat
臨む (のぞむ)N2godan verbto face, to confront
勝つ (かつ)N3godan verbto win
繋ぐ (つなぐ)N2godan verbto connect
進出する (しんしゅつする)N2godan verbto advance
乗り切る (のりきる)N2godan verbto get through
つなぐ (つなぐ)N3godan verbto link
進む (すすむ)N3godan verbto advance
期待する (きたいする)N2godan verbto expect
決勝 (けっしょう)N2nounfinal match
連続 (れんぞく)N2nounconsecutive
直面する (ちょくめんする)N1godan verbto confront
失う (うしなう)N2godan verbto lose
進出 (しんしゅつ)N2nounadvancement
予選 (よせん)N3nounpreliminary selection
敗退する (はいたいする)N2godan verbto be eliminated
競う (きそう)N2godan verbto compete
体操 (たいそう)N3noungymnastics
駆け抜ける (かけぬける)N2godan verbto run through
大会 (たいかい)N3nountournament
望む (のぞむ)N2godan verbto hope
進む (すすむ)N3godan verbto proceed
失敗する (しっぱいする)N2godan verbto fail
競技 (きょうぎ)N3nouncompetition
参加する (さんかする)N3godan verbto participate
期待 (きたい)N2nounexpectation
直す (なおす)N2godan verbto fix
進行する (しんこうする)N1godan verbto proceed
変わる (かわる)N3godan verbto change
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
明確 (めいかく)N2な-adjectiveclear
確実 (かくじつ)N2な-adjectivecertain

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「3-3となった後の抽選の結果、代表戦は斉藤立とテディ・リネールの対戦となり、6分すぎに斉藤が大内刈りで一本負け。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「となった」: This is the past tense of the verb 「なる」 (to become), indicating a change of state.
      • 「の」: This particle indicates possession or a descriptive relationship, linking “抽選の結果” (the result of the lottery) to the preceding clause.
      • 「となり」: This is the conjunctive form of 「なる」, used to connect clauses.
      • 「一本負け」: This term refers to a loss by ippon, a decisive victory in judo.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with a temporal clause “3-3となった後の抽選の結果” (the result of the lottery after it became 3-3), which sets the context.
      • It then states the outcome of the lottery with “代表戦は斉藤立とテディ・リネールの対戦となり” (the representative match became a contest between Saito and Teddy Riner).
      • Finally, it describes the event that occurred shortly after, “6分すぎに斉藤が大内刈りで一本負け” (Saito lost by ippon with a large inner throw after 6 minutes).
  2. Sentence: 「サッカー女子の日本は準々決勝で米国に延長戦の末、0-1で敗れ、4強入りはならなかった。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「の」: This particle indicates a possessive or descriptive relationship, linking “サッカー女子の日本” (the Japanese women’s soccer team) to the subject.
      • 「末」: This noun means “after” or “the end of,” indicating the conclusion of an event.
      • 「敗れ」: This is the passive form of the verb 「敗れる」 (to lose), indicating that the subject was defeated.
      • 「ならなかった」: This is the negative past form of the verb 「なる」 (to become), indicating that something did not happen.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject “サッカー女子の日本は” (the Japanese women’s soccer team).
      • It provides context with “準々決勝で米国に延長戦の末” (in the quarter-finals against the USA after extra time).
      • The main action is stated as “0-1で敗れ” (lost 0-1).
      • It concludes with “4強入りはならなかった” (did not make it to the top four), summarizing the outcome.
  3. Sentence: 「陸上男子100メートルは予選があり、サニブラウン・ハキームが10秒02で駆け抜け、4日の準決勝進出を決めた。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「あり」: This is the conjunctive form of the verb 「ある」 (to exist), used here to indicate that there was a preliminary round.
      • 「駆け抜け」: This is the gerund form of the verb 「駆け抜ける」 (to run through), indicating the action performed by the subject.
      • 「決めた」: This is the past tense of the verb 「決める」 (to decide), indicating a completed action.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject “陸上男子100メートルは” (the men’s 100 meters).
      • It states the existence of a preliminary round with “予選があり” (there was a preliminary round).
      • It then describes the action of the athlete with “サニブラウン・ハキームが10秒02で駆け抜け” (Hakim Sani Brown ran through in 10.02 seconds).
      • Finally, it concludes with “4日の準決勝進出を決めた” (decided to advance to the semi-finals on the 4th), summarizing the result of the action.


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