秋元司元議員、高裁も懲役4年の実刑 IR汚職 補選に立候補予定
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
含む (ふくむ) | N3 | Godan verb | to include |
統合 (とうごう) | N2 | Noun | integration |
事業 (じぎょう) | N3 | Noun | business |
収賄 (しゅうわい) | N1 | Noun | bribery |
組織犯罪 (そしきはんざい) | N1 | Noun | organized crime |
処罰法 (しょばつほう) | N1 | Noun | penal law |
違反 (いはん) | N2 | Noun | violation |
証人買収 (しょうにんばいしゅう) | N1 | Noun | witness tampering |
罪 (つみ) | N3 | Noun | crime |
問われる (とわれる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to be charged with |
控訴 (こうそ) | N1 | Noun | appeal |
審判 (しんぱん) | N2 | Noun | judgment |
高裁 (こうさい) | N1 | Noun | high court |
裁判長 (さいばんちょう) | N1 | Noun | presiding judge |
懲役 (ちょうえき) | N1 | Noun | imprisonment |
追徴金 (ついちょうきん) | N1 | Noun | restitution |
支持 (しじ) | N2 | Noun | support |
無罪 (むざい) | N2 | Noun | innocence |
被告 (ひこく) | N2 | Noun | defendant |
共犯 (きょうはん) | N1 | Noun | accomplice |
政策 (せいさく) | N2 | Noun | policy |
秘書 (ひしょ) | N2 | Noun | secretary |
執行猶予 (しっこうゆうよ) | N1 | Noun | suspended sentence |
記録 (きろく) | N2 | Noun | record |
根拠 (こんきょ) | N1 | Noun | basis |
議員会館 (ぎいんかいかん) | N1 | Noun | parliamentary office building |
主張 (しゅちょう) | N2 | Noun | claim |
含む (ふくむ) | N3 | Godan verb | to include |
退ける (しりぞける) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to reject |
計約 (けいやく) | N1 | Noun | approximately |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
The sentence “秋元元議員は内閣府副大臣だった17~18年、IR事業参入を目指す中国企業側から、現金や旅費など計約760万円の賄賂を受領。” is difficult to understand.
Grammatical points:
- The use of だった indicates the past tense of the verb である (to be).
- The expression 17~18年 means “from 2017 to 2018.”
- The phrase “IR事業参入を目指す中国企業側から” means “from Chinese companies aiming to enter the IR business.”
- The term “計約760万円の賄賂を受領” translates to “received bribes totaling approximately 7.6 million yen.”
Structure of the sentence:
- 秋元元議員は (Aki Moto-gen Giin wa) - “Former Congressman Aki Moto”
- 内閣府副大臣だった (Naikaku-fu Fuku-daijin datta) - “was a Vice Minister of the Cabinet”
- 17~18年 (17~18-nen) - “from 2017 to 2018”
- IR事業参入を目指す中国企業側から (IR jigyou sannyuu o mezasu Chuugoku kigyousoku kara) - “from Chinese companies aiming to enter the IR business”
- 現金や旅費など (Genkin ya ryohi nado) - “cash, travel expenses, etc.”
- 計約760万円の賄賂を受領 (Keiyaku 760 man-en no wairo o juuryou) - “received bribes totaling approximately 7.6 million yen”
The sentence “秋元元議員は保釈されていたが、この日の判決を受けて勾留された。” is difficult to understand.
Grammatical points:
- The use of されていた is the passive form of the verb する (to do).
- The term 勾留された means “was detained.”
Structure of the sentence:
- 秋元元議員は (Aki Moto-gen Giin wa) - “Former Congressman Aki Moto”
- 保釈されていたが (Houshaku sarete ita ga) - “was on bail but”
- この日の判決を受けて (Kono hi no hanketsu o ukete) - “received the judgment of this day”
- 勾留された (Kouryuu sareta) - “was detained”
The sentence “公職選挙法などの規定で、収賄の有罪判決が確定しない限りは立候補できるが、有罪が確定すれば当選していても失職する。” is difficult to understand.
Grammatical points:
- The phrase “公職選挙法などの規定で” means “under the provisions of the Public Offices Election Act, etc.”
- The term “収賄の有罪判決が確定しない限り” translates to “as long as the guilty verdict for bribery is not finalized.”
- The expression “有罪が確定すれば” means “if the guilty verdict is finalized.”
- The phrase “当選していても失職する” means “even if elected, will lose the position.”
Structure of the sentence:
- 公職選挙法などの規定で (Koushoku senkyo-hou nado no kitei de) - “under the provisions of the Public Offices Election Act, etc.”
- 収賄の有罪判決が確定しない限りは (Shuuhai no yuuzai hanketsu ga kakutei shinai kagiri wa) - “as long as the guilty verdict for bribery is not finalized”
- 立候補できるが (Rikkouho dekiru ga) - “can run for election but”
- 有罪が確定すれば (Yuuzai ga kakutei sureba) - “if the guilty verdict is finalized”
- 当選していても失職する (Tousen shite ite mo shissoku suru) - “will lose the position even if elected”
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