
経産省、中部電力など補助金交付停止6カ月 都市ガス受注調整問題で


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
繰り返す (くりかえす)N3Godan verbto repeat
受注 (じゅちゅう)N1Nounreceiving an order
調整 (ちょうせい)N2Nounadjustment
対し (たいし)N2Adverbtowards, against
補助金 (ほじょきん)N1Nounsubsidy
交付 (こうふ)N1Nounpayment, grant
契約 (けいやく)N2Nouncontract
指名 (しめい)N1Noundesignation
停止 (ていし)N2Nounsuspension
期間 (きかん)N2Nounperiod, term
公正 (こうせい)N2Nounjustice, fairness
取引 (とりひき)N2Nountransaction
独占 (どくせん)N1Nounmonopoly
禁止 (きんし)N2Nounprohibition
違反 (いはん)N2Nounviolation
認定 (にんてい)N2Nouncertification
排除 (はいじょ)N1Nounexclusion
措置 (そち)N1Nounmeasure, step
命令 (めいれい)N2Nounorder, command
課徴金 (かちょうきん)N1Nounfine, penalty
納付 (のうふ)N1Nounpayment
三浦 (みうら)N/AProper NounMiura (name)
惇平 (あつひら)N/AProper NounAtsuhiro (name)

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Grammatical points: 受注調整を繰り返していた問題
    • Structure: This sentence includes the phrase “受注調整を繰り返していた問題,” where 受注調整 means “order adjustment,” 繰り返していた is the past progressive form of the verb 繰り返す (to repeat), and 問題 means “issue” or “problem.” The structure is [noun phrase を verb phrase + 問題].
  • Sentence 2:

    • Grammatical points: 補助金交付や契約の指名を停止した
    • Structure: This sentence contains the phrase “補助金交付や契約の指名を停止した,” where 補助金交付 means “subsidy payment,” 契約の指名 means “contract nomination,” and 停止した is the past form of the verb 停止する (to stop). The structure is [noun phrase や noun phrase を verb phrase].
  • Sentence 3:

    • Grammatical points: 中部電力ミライズに排除措置命令を、同社と中部電に計2678万円の課徴金納付命令を出していた
    • Structure: This sentence includes the phrases “中部電力ミライズに排除措置命令を” and “同社と中部電に計2678万円の課徴金納付命令を出していた.” The structure is [organization name に action noun を verb phrase] and [organization name と organization name に amount の action noun を verb phrase].


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