
石破氏、台湾APEC代表と会談 「台湾は極めて重要なパートナー」


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
訪問する (ほうもんする)N2Irregular verbto visit
緊密な (きんみつな)N2な-adjectiveclose, tight
重要な (じゅうような)N2な-adjectiveimportant
引き続き (ひきつづき)N2Adverbcontinuously
防災 (ぼうさい)N2Noundisaster prevention
幅広い (はばひろい)N2い-adjectivewide-ranging
深める (ふかめる)N2Ichidan verbto deepen
表明する (ひょうめいする)N2Irregular verbto express
強化する (きょうかする)N2Irregular verbto strengthen
期待する (きたいする)N2Irregular verbto expect
重要性 (じゅうようせい)N2Nounimportance
語る (かたる)N2Godan verbto talk, to speak
人的 (じんてき)N2な-adjectivehuman, personal
交流 (こうりゅう)N2Nounexchange
会談 (かいだん)N2Noundiscussion
政権 (せいけん)N2Nounadministration
顧問 (こもん)N2Nounadvisor
資政 (しせい)N2Nounpolicy advisor
平和 (へいわ)N2Nounpeace
安定 (あんてい)N2Nounstability
さらなる (さらなる)N2Adjectivefurther
代表 (だいひょう)N2Nounrepresentative
会議 (かいぎ)N2Nounmeeting
南米 (なんべい)N2NounSouth America
首相 (しゅしょう)N2Nounprime minister
期待 (きたい)N2Nounexpectation
述べる (のべる)N2Ichidan verbto state, to mention
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
経済 (けいざい)N2Nouneconomy
交流を深める (こうりゅうをふかめる)N2Ichidan verbto deepen exchanges
友人 (ゆうじん)N2Nounfriend

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「首相は「台湾は緊密な経済関係と人的往来を有する極めて重要なパートナーで、大切な友人であり、引き続き防災面を含む幅広い分野で日台間の協力と交流を深めていきたい」と述べた。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「有する」: This is the verb “to have” in a formal context, indicating possession or existence.
      • 「で」: This particle is used to connect clauses, indicating that the previous clause describes the subject.
      • 「あり」: This is the continuative form of the verb “ある,” used here to connect two predicates about Taiwan.
      • 「引き続き」: This adverb means “continuously” or “further,” indicating ongoing action.
      • 「深めていきたい」: This is a desire form of the verb “深める” (to deepen), indicating the speaker’s wish to continue deepening cooperation.
    • Structure:

      • The main clause is “首相は述べた” (the Prime Minister stated), followed by a quoted statement. The quoted statement consists of several parts:
        • “台湾は緊密な経済関係と人的往来を有する極めて重要なパートナーで” (Taiwan is an extremely important partner with close economic relations and human exchanges),
        • “大切な友人であり” (and a dear friend),
        • “引き続き防災面を含む幅広い分野で日台間の協力と交流を深めていきたい” (I want to deepen cooperation and exchange between Japan and Taiwan in a wide range of fields, including disaster prevention).
  2. Sentence: 「林氏は頼政権の助言役や顧問にあたる総統府資政などを務めている。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「あたる」: This verb means “to correspond to” or “to be equivalent to,” indicating the role or position someone holds.
      • 「など」: This particle is used to indicate examples, suggesting that there are other similar roles not explicitly mentioned.
      • 「務めている」: This is the progressive form of the verb “務める” (to serve or to work), indicating that the action is ongoing.
    • Structure:

      • The subject is “林氏” (Mr. Lin), followed by the roles he holds: “頼政権の助言役や顧問にあたる” (corresponding to the advisor and consultant of the Lai administration) and “総統府資政などを務めている” (serving as a senior advisor in the Presidential Office, among others). The sentence describes Mr. Lin’s current roles and responsibilities.
  3. Sentence: 「首相は会談で、台湾海峡の平和と安定の重要性について語った。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「について」: This phrase means “about” or “regarding,” used to indicate the topic of discussion.
      • 「語った」: This is the past tense of the verb “語る” (to speak or to talk), indicating that the action has been completed.
    • Structure:

      • The subject is “首相” (the Prime Minister), followed by the context “会談で” (in the meeting), and then the main action “台湾海峡の平和と安定の重要性について語った” (spoke about the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait). The sentence conveys what the Prime Minister discussed during the meeting.


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