
鈴木宗男氏、北海道の維新議員らと面談 今後の所属「各自の判断で」


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
離党 (りとう)N3Nounleaving a political party
鈴木 (すずき)Proper NounNounSuzuki (surname)
宗男 (むねお)Proper NounNounMuneo (given name)
参議院 (さんぎいん)N3NounHouse of Councillors
議員 (ぎいん)N4Nounmember of a legislative body
面談 (めんだん)N3Nouninterview, discussion
所属 (しょぞく)N3Nounaffiliation, membership
擁立 (ようりつ)N2Nounsupporting, backing
関わる (かかわる)N4Verb (Godan)to be involved in
今後 (こんご)N3Nounfrom now on, in the future
政党 (せいとう)N3Nounpolitical party
(かく)N3Nouneach, every
判断 (はんだん)N3Nounjudgement, decision
尊重 (そんちょう)N3Nounrespect, esteem
考える (かんがえる)N4Verb (Ichidan)to think, to consider
維新 (いしん)N3Nounrestoration, renewal
方針 (ほうしん)N3Nounpolicy, plan
決める (きめる)N4Verb (Ichidan)to decide, to determine
議員 (ぎいん)N4Nounmember of a legislative body
重複 (ちょうふく)N3Nounduplication, overlap
関係 (かんけい)N4Nounrelationship, connection
続ける (つづける)N4Verb (Ichidan)to continue, to keep up
見込み (みこみ)N3Nounexpectation, prospect
道内 (どうない)N3Nounwithin the prefecture
道議 (どうぎ)N3Nounprefectural assembly member
市議 (しぎ)N3Nouncity council member
予定 (よてい)N4Nounplan, schedule
立候補 (りっこうほ)N3Nouncandidacy
衆院選 (しゅういんせん)N3Noungeneral election for the House of Representatives
代表 (だいひょう)N4Nounrepresentative, delegate
選任 (せんにん)N3Nounappointment, selection

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 鈴木氏によると、議員と、次期衆院選で維新から道2区と3区で立候補する予定の2人と面談し、「個人の判断で私は結構だ」と伝えたという。

  2. 鈴木氏によると、(According to Mr. Suzuki,)

  3. 議員と、(the members of the assembly and)

  4. 次期衆院選で維新から道2区と3区で立候補する予定の2人 (two people who are planning to run as candidates for the upcoming House of Representatives election in the 2nd and 3rd districts of Hokkaido)

  5. と面談し、(had a meeting and)

  6. 「個人の判断で私は結構だ」と伝えたという。(it is said that he conveyed the message “I am fine with each individual’s decision.”)

Explanation: This sentence describes a meeting between Mr. Suzuki and several individuals, including assembly members and two people who plan to run as candidates for the House of Representatives election. Mr. Suzuki reportedly conveyed the message that he is fine with each individual’s decision.

  1. 鈴木氏らによると、維新側は、鈴木氏の後任に当たる道総支部代表をまもなく選任する見込みだという。

  2. 鈴木氏らによると、(According to Mr. Suzuki and others,)

  3. 維新側は、(the side of the Japan Innovation Party)

  4. 鈴木氏の後任に当たる道総支部代表 (the representative of the Hokkaido branch who will succeed Mr. Suzuki)

  5. をまもなく選任する見込みだという。(is expected to select soon.)

Explanation: This sentence states that, according to Mr. Suzuki and others, the Japan Innovation Party is expected to select a representative for the Hokkaido branch who will succeed Mr. Suzuki in the near future.

  1. 維新側が方針を決めるまで、多くの議員らは、維新と、鈴木氏が代表をつとめる地域政党「新党大地」に重複して関係を続ける見込み。

  2. 維新側が方針を決めるまで、(Until the Japan Innovation Party decides on its policy,)

  3. 多くの議員らは、(many members of the assembly)

  4. 維新と、(both the Japan Innovation Party and)

  5. 鈴木氏が代表をつとめる地域政党「新党大地」に重複して関係を続ける見込み。(are expected to continue their overlapping relationships with both the Japan Innovation Party and the regional party “Shintou Daichi” led by Mr. Suzuki.)

Explanation: This sentence explains that until the Japan Innovation Party decides on its policy, many members of the assembly are expected to continue their relationships with both the Japan Innovation Party and the regional party “Shintou Daichi” led by Mr. Suzuki. The phrase “重複して” (overlapping) indicates that these relationships exist simultaneously.