
下村氏が衆院政倫審に出席へ「うそ偽りなく説明する」 元安倍派幹部


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
組織的 (そしきてき)N2な-adjectivesystematic
裏金 (うらかね)N1nounslush fund
事件 (じけん)N4nounincident
事務総長 (じむそうちょう)N1nounsecretary-general
経験者 (けいけんしゃ)N2nounexperienced person
文部科学 (もんぶかがく)N1nounMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
衆院 (しゅういん)N1nounHouse of Representatives
政治 (せいじ)N3nounpolitics
倫理 (りんり)N1nounethics
審査会 (しんさかい)N1nounscreening committee
出席 (しゅっせき)N3nounattendance
向ける (むける)N3godan verbto direct towards
申し出 (もうしだ)N2nounoffer
手渡す (てわたす)N2godan verbto hand over
開く (ひらく)N4godan verbto hold (a meeting)
見通し (みとおし)N2nounoutlook
午後 (ごご)N4nounafternoon
記者団 (きしゃだん)N1nounpress corps
偽り (いつわり)N1nounfalsehood
丁寧 (ていねい)N3な-adjectivepolite
説明 (せつめい)N3nounexplanation
審議 (しんぎ)N1noundeliberation
公開 (こうかい)N3nounpublic disclosure
通り (とおり)N3nounway
踏襲 (とうしゅう)N1nounto follow
含める (ふくめる)N2ichidan verbto include
応じる (おうじる)N2godan verbto comply

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • 下村氏は同日午後、申し出書を提出した後に記者団に、「うそ偽りでなく、丁寧に説明をさせていただきたい」と語った。

    1. Grammatical points: でなく is a conjunction that means “not” or “but.” させていただきたい is a polite form of the potential form of the verb させる (to make/let someone do something).

    2. Structure: In this sentence, 下村氏 (Mr. Shimomura) is the subject, followed by the time expression 同日午後 (the same day in the afternoon). The verb 提出した (submitted) is in the past tense. The conjunction でなく connects the two clauses, expressing the speaker’s intention to explain things not with lies but with politeness. The phrase 丁寧に説明をさせていただきたい means “I would like to explain politely.”

  • 審議を公開するかどうかについては「今まで通りのやり方を踏襲してもらえればと思う」と述べ、テレビ放映も含めた完全公開に応じる意向を示した。

    1. Grammatical points: と思う is a verb phrase meaning “to think.” もらえれば is the potential form of the verb もらう (to receive), expressing the speaker’s hope or request.

    2. Structure: In this sentence, the topic is 審議を公開するかどうかについて (regarding whether to make the deliberations public). The speaker expresses their thoughts using the verb 述べ (to state) and the phrase と思う (I think). The clause 今まで通りのやり方を踏襲してもらえれば (if you could continue in the same way as before) is followed by the speaker’s intention to comply with complete disclosure, including TV broadcasts.

  • 下村氏は4日、自身のX(旧ツイッター)に「今後政倫審が開催されるのであれば、党と相談して説明責任を果たしていきたい」と投稿。

    1. Grammatical points: であれば is a conditional expression meaning “if.” を果たしていきたい is a phrase expressing the speaker’s desire to fulfill a responsibility over time.

    2. Structure: In this sentence, 下村氏 (Mr. Shimomura) is the subject, followed by the date 4日 (the 4th). The verb 投稿 (posted) is in the past tense. The speaker expresses a conditional statement using the phrase 今後政倫審が開催されるのであれば (if the political ethics committee is held in the future) and states their intention to consult with the party and fulfill their responsibility for explanation.


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