
北朝鮮、6月下旬に党総会を開催 上半期を総括、外交方針など議論か


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Word (Reading)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
決定する (けっていする)N3Verbto decide
報じる (ほうじる)N2Verbto report
出席する (しゅっせきする)N3Verbto attend
開かれる (ひらかれる)N2Verbto be held
活動を総括する (かつどうをそうかつする)N1Verbto summarize activities
打ち上げる (うちあげる)N2Verbto launch
示す (しめす)N3Verbto indicate
確認される (かくにんされる)N2Verbto be confirmed
明らかにする (あきらかにする)N2Verbto make clear
指摘される (してきされる)N2Verbto be pointed out
示される (しめされる)N2Verbto be shown
深める (ふかめる)N2Verbto deepen
控える (ひかえる)N2Verbto face
注目される (ちゅうもくされる)N2Verbto be focused
見られる (みられる)N2Verbto be seen
開く (ひらく)N5Verbto open
決まる (きまる)N4Verbto be decided
会う (あう)N5Verbto meet
示す (しめす)N3Verbto show
確認する (かくにんする)N3Verbto confirm
明らかにする (あきらかにする)N2Verbto clarify
指摘する (してきする)N2Verbto point out
示す (しめす)N3Verbto demonstrate
深める (ふかめる)N2Verbto deepen
控える (ひかえる)N2Verbto refrain
注目する (ちゅうもくする)N2Verbto pay attention
見る (みる)N5Verbto see
開かれる (ひらかれる)N2Verbto be opened
決定する (けっていする)N3Verbto determine
報じる (ほうじる)N2Verbto inform

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1: 24日に金正恩(キムジョンウン)総書記が出席して開かれた党の会議で決定した。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the past tense verb “決定した” (decided) and the passive voice structure “開かれた” (was held/opened).

    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • “24日に” (on the 24th) indicates the time when the action took place.
      • “金正恩(キムジョンウン)総書記が” (Secretary General Kim Jong Un) is the subject of the sentence.
      • “出席して” (attended) is the verb in the te-form, indicating the action of attending.
      • “開かれた” (was held/opened) is the passive form of the verb “開く” (to hold/open), describing the party meeting that was held.
      • “党の会議で” (at the party meeting) specifies the location or context of the action.
      • “決定した” (decided) is the past tense form of the verb “決定する” (to decide), indicating the action taken by Kim Jong Un at the meeting.
  • Sentence 2: 韓国軍関係者は24日、偵察衛星の発射準備と推定される状況が確認されていると明らかにしており、専門家からは総会を前に打ち上げる可能性も指摘されている。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the passive voice structure “明らかにしており” (have made clear) and the potential form “打ち上げる可能性も指摘されている” (possibility of launching is also pointed out).

    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • “韓国軍関係者は” (South Korean military officials) is the subject of the sentence.
      • “24日、” (on the 24th) indicates the time when the action took place.
      • “偵察衛星の発射準備と推定される状況が” (the situation estimated to be preparations for launching a reconnaissance satellite) is the main topic of the sentence.
      • “確認されている” (has been confirmed) is the passive form of the verb “確認する” (to confirm), indicating the action of confirmation.
      • “明らかにしており” (have made clear) is the continuous form of the verb “明らかにする” (to make clear), showing the ongoing action of making something clear.
      • “専門家からは” (from experts) introduces the source of information or opinion.
      • “総会を前に” (before the general meeting) indicates the timing or context of the action.
      • “打ち上げる可能性も指摘されている” (possibility of launching is also pointed out) includes the potential form “指摘されている” (is pointed out), indicating the possibility of launching being pointed out by experts.
  • Sentence 3: 一方、会議では当面の軍事活動の課題が示され、「責任を持って遂行するよう指摘があった」としている。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes the noun phrase “当面の軍事活動の課題” (immediate military activity challenges) and the reported speech structure “「責任を持って遂行するよう指摘があった」としている” (it is stated that there was a suggestion to carry out with responsibility).

    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • “一方、” (on the other hand) contrasts the information presented in the previous context.
      • “会議では” (in the meeting) specifies the context or location of the action.
      • “当面の軍事活動の課題が示され” (challenges of immediate military activities are indicated) is the main topic of the sentence.
      • “「責任を持って遂行するよう指摘があった」としている” (it is stated that there was a suggestion to carry out with responsibility) is reported speech, indicating what was mentioned or suggested during the meeting regarding the military activities.


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