
大谷、二塁打2本で2打点 鈴木、吉田は1安打


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
出場 (しゅつじょう)N2nounparticipation
指名 (しめい)N2noundesignation
適時 (てきじ)N2adverbtimely
二塁打 (にるいだ)N2noundouble (base hit)
マークするN2godan verbto mark
打数 (だすう)N2nounnumber of at-bats
安打 (あんだ)N2nounhit (in baseball)
打点 (だてん)N2nounrun batted in (RBI)
伸ばす (のばす)N2godan verbto extend
逆転 (ぎゃくてん)N2nounreversal
勝ち (かち)N2nounvictory
連敗 (れんぱい)N2nounconsecutive losses
止める (とめる)N2ichidan verbto stop
敗れる (やぶれる)N2ichidan verbto lose
出場する (しゅつじょうする)N2godan verbto participate
勝つ (かつ)N3godan verbto win
戦う (たたかう)N3godan verbto fight
伸びる (のびる)N3ichidan verbto grow
する (する)N5irregular verbto do
なる (なる)N5irregular verbto become
いく (いく)N5godan verbto go
くる (くる)N5irregular verbto come
使う (つかう)N5godan verbto use
見る (みる)N5ichidan verbto see
聞く (きく)N5godan verbto listen
言う (いう)N5irregular verbto say
ある (ある)N5irregular verbto exist (inanimate)
いる (いる)N5irregular verbto exist (animate)
立つ (たつ)N5godan verbto stand
歩く (あるく)N5godan verbto walk
知る (しる)N5godan verbto know
思う (おもう)N5godan verbto think

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: ドジャースの大谷はアトランタでのブレーブス戦に「1番・指名打者」で出場し、2本の適時二塁打をマークして4打数2安打2打点だった。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「出場し」: This is the continuative form (て-form) of the verb 出場する (to participate), indicating that the action of participating is connected to the following actions.
    • 「適時二塁打」: This term refers to a timely double hit, where 適時 (timely) modifies 二塁打 (double hit).
    • 「打数」: This term indicates the number of at-bats, and it is used here to quantify the player’s performance.


    • The sentence starts with the subject (ドジャースの大谷) followed by the location (アトランタでのブレーブス戦) and the role (「1番・指名打者」). It then describes the actions taken (出場し、マークして) and concludes with the results of those actions (4打数2安打2打点だった).
  2. Sentence: 今季の打点を106に伸ばし、チームも9―2で逆転勝ちした。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「打点を106に伸ばし」: Here, 伸ばし is the continuative form of 伸ばす (to extend), indicating that the action of extending the runs batted in (打点) is linked to the next clause.
    • 「逆転勝ちした」: This is a compound verb where 逆転 (comeback) modifies 勝ち (win), indicating that the team won after being behind.


    • The sentence begins with the action of extending the runs batted in (今季の打点を106に伸ばし) and then connects it to the outcome of the game (チームも9―2で逆転勝ちした), showing a cause-and-effect relationship.
  3. Sentence: レッドソックスの吉田は2―5で敗れたヤンキース戦に「6番・指名打者」で出場し、4打数1安打だった。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 「敗れた」: This is the past tense of the verb 敗れる (to be defeated), used here in a relative clause to describe the Yankees game.
    • 「打数」 and 「安打」: Similar to the first sentence, these terms quantify the player’s performance, with 打数 indicating at-bats and 安打 indicating hits.


    • The sentence starts with the subject (レッドソックスの吉田) and specifies the game (2―5で敗れたヤンキース戦) in which he participated. It then states his role (「6番・指名打者」) and concludes with his performance statistics (4打数1安打だった). The structure effectively provides a complete picture of the player’s involvement in the game.


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