
女川原発3号機、再稼働に向けて地質調査へ 東北電力が発表


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
再稼働 (さいかどう)N2nounrestart of operation
発表 (はっぴょう)N2noun/verb (godan)announcement / to announce
審査 (しんさ)N2nounexamination
準備 (じゅんび)N3noun/verb (godan)preparation / to prepare
活断層 (かつだんそう)N2nounactive fault
否定 (ひてい)N2noun/verb (godan)denial / to deny
認める (みとめる)N2verb (ichidan)to recognize
評価 (ひょうか)N2noun/verb (godan)evaluation / to evaluate
考慮 (こうりょ)N2noun/verb (godan)consideration / to consider
調査 (ちょうさ)N2noun/verb (godan)investigation / to investigate
副次的 (ふくじてき)N2な-adjectivesecondary
断層 (だんそう)N2nounfault
地質 (ちしつ)N2noungeology
運転 (うんてん)N2noun/verb (godan)operation / to operate
活動 (かつどう)N2nounactivity
申請 (しんせい)N2noun/verb (godan)application / to apply
現時点 (げんじてん)N2nouncurrent point in time
未定 (みてい)N2な-adjectiveundecided
進める (すすめる)N2verb (ichidan)to advance
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
予測 (よそく)N2noun/verb (godan)prediction / to predict
影響 (えいきょう)N2noun/verb (godan)influence / to influence
進行 (しんこう)N2noun/verb (godan)progress / to proceed
可能 (かのう)N2な-adjectivepossible
具体的 (ぐたいてき)N2な-adjectiveconcrete
重要性 (じゅうようせい)N2nounimportance
伴う (ともなう)N2verb (godan)to accompany
影響力 (えいきょうりょく)N2nouninfluence power
直面 (ちょくめん)N2noun/verb (godan)facing / to face
進展 (しんてん)N2noun/verb (godan)progress / to progress
検討 (けんとう)N2noun/verb (godan)consideration / to consider
確認 (かくにん)N2noun/verb (godan)confirmation / to confirm

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 新規制基準では、約12万~13万年前以降の活動が否定できない断層を活断層とみなし、その上で原子炉などを運転することを認めていない。

    Grammatical Points:

    • では: This particle indicates the topic of the sentence, which is “新規制基準” (new regulatory standards).
    • 活断層とみなし: “とみなす” means “to regard as” or “to consider.” Here, it is in the conditional form, indicating that the faults are regarded as active faults.
    • その上で: This phrase means “on that basis” or “in addition to that,” indicating a condition or premise for the following action.
    • 認めていない: This is the negative form of “認める” (to recognize or permit), indicating that the action of operating the reactor is not permitted.


    • The sentence begins with the topic (新規制基準) followed by a description of the criteria for active faults (約12万~13万年前以降の活動が否定できない断層).
    • It then states that these faults are regarded as active (活断層とみなし).
    • Finally, it concludes with the prohibition of operating reactors based on these criteria (その上で原子炉などを運転することを認めていない).
  2. Sentence: 地質調査には2年ほどかかる見込みで、その後、原子力規制委員会に審査を申請する。

    Grammatical Points:

    • には: This particle indicates the target of the action, which is “地質調査” (geological survey).
    • かかる見込みで: “かかる” means “to take (time),” and “見込み” means “prospect” or “expectation.” Together, they indicate an expectation regarding the duration of the geological survey.
    • その後: This phrase means “after that,” indicating a sequence of events.
    • 審査を申請する: “申請する” means “to apply for,” and “審査” means “examination” or “review.”


    • The sentence starts by stating the expected duration of the geological survey (地質調査には2年ほどかかる見込みで).
    • It then transitions to the next action that will occur after the survey (その後、原子力規制委員会に審査を申請する).
  3. Sentence: 女川原発では2号機の審査の過程で、敷地内の断層はすべて「震源として考慮する活断層ではない」と評価されている。

    Grammatical Points:

    • では: This particle indicates the topic of the sentence, which is “女川原発” (Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant).
    • 過程で: “過程” means “process,” and “で” indicates the context in which something occurs.
    • 評価されている: This is the passive form of “評価する” (to evaluate), indicating that the faults have been evaluated by someone (the subject is implied).
    • 震源として考慮する活断層ではない: This phrase means “not regarded as active faults considered as seismic sources,” where “震源” means “seismic source” and “考慮する” means “to consider.”


    • The sentence begins by establishing the context (女川原発では2号機の審査の過程で).
    • It then states the evaluation of the faults within the site (敷地内の断層はすべて…評価されている), concluding with the specific evaluation result (「震源として考慮する活断層ではない」と).


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