
大阪府職員、年中「ノースーツ」OK 吉村知事が軽装の通年化方針


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
示す (しめす)N2godan verbto indicate; to show
認める (みとめる)N2ichidan verbto recognize; to admit
策定する (さくていする)N2irregular verbto formulate; to establish
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance; to promote
環境 (かんきょう)N3nounenvironment
軽装 (けいそう)N2nounlight clothing
冷暖房 (れいだんぼう)N2nounheating and cooling
改善 (かいぜん)N2nounimprovement
服装 (ふくそう)N2nounclothing; attire
働きやすい (はたらきやすい)N3い-adjectiveeasy to work
通年 (つうねん)N2nounyear-round
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance; to promote
暖かい (あたたかい)N3い-adjectivewarm
涼しい (すずしい)N3い-adjectivecool
仕組み (しくみ)N2nounmechanism; structure
方針 (ほうしん)N2nounpolicy
しなければならないN2expressionmust; have to
これまでN2adverbuntil now
時期 (じき)N2nountime; period
区切る (くぎる)N2godan verbto divide; to separate
進む (すすむ)N3godan verbto advance; to proceed
などN5particleetc.; and so on
これからN3adverbfrom now on
仕組む (しくむ)N2godan verbto devise; to plan
かかわらずN2conjunctionregardless of
つけるN5ichidan verbto attach; to put on
するN5irregular verbto do
進行する (しんこうする)N2irregular verbto proceed; to advance

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「みんながスーツでネクタイをしなければならない環境でもない。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「しなければならない」: This is a grammatical structure used to express obligation or necessity. It combines the verb “する” (to do) in its negative form “しない” with “ければ” (if) and “ならない” (must not).
      • 「環境でもない」: This phrase means “it is not an environment.” The particle 「でも」 indicates that the statement is making a contrast or exception.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence can be broken down into two main parts:
        • The subject “みんな” (everyone) and the action “スーツでネクタイをしなければならない” (must wear a suit and tie).
        • The latter part “環境でもない” negates the previous statement, indicating that such an obligation is not necessary in the current environment.
  2. 「冬は暖かくて夏は涼しいような服装で、働きやすく仕事をした方がいい。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「ような」: This phrase means “like” or “such as,” used to describe a manner or type of something.
      • 「方がいい」: This structure is used to suggest that something is better or preferable. It combines the verb “する” (to do) in its nominal form “仕事をする” (to work) with “方” (method/way) and “がいい” (is good).
    • Structure:

      • The sentence is structured with two main clauses:
        • The first clause describes the clothing suitable for winter and summer using “冬は暖かくて夏は涼しいような服装で” (clothing that is warm in winter and cool in summer).
        • The second clause “働きやすく仕事をした方がいい” suggests that it is better to work in a way that is easy to work.
  3. 「職員からの声をもとに、この仕組みの改善を進めていく考えも示した。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「もとに」: This phrase means “based on” or “on the basis of,” indicating that the following action is derived from the preceding subject.
      • 「考えも示した」: This means “also indicated the idea.” The verb “示す” (to indicate) is in the past tense “示した,” and “も” adds the nuance of “also” to the statement.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence can be divided into two parts:
        • The first part “職員からの声をもとに” indicates that the action is based on the voices of the staff.
        • The second part “この仕組みの改善を進めていく考えも示した” states that the speaker also indicated the intention to improve the system. The use of “進めていく” implies a continuous effort in the future.


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