
子ども放置禁止条例案に反対署名2万9千超 さいたまPTA協が提出


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WordJLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
禁じる (きんじる)N3verbto prohibit
改正案 (かいせいあん)N3nounamendment proposal
提出する (ていしゅつする)N3verbto submit
署名活動 (しょめいかつどう)N3nounsignature campaign
反対 (はんたい)N3nounopposition
署名 (しょめい)N3nounsignature
集まる (あつまる)N3verbto gather
提示する (ていじする)N3verbto present
可決する (かけつする)N3verbto approve
違反 (いはん)N3nounviolation
分断 (ぶんだん)N3noundivision
促す (うながす)N3verbto urge
噴出する (ふんしゅつする)N3verbto spout
取り下げる (とりさげる)N3verbto withdraw
表明する (ひょうめいする)N3verbto declare
撤回する (てっかいする)N3verbto retract
要望 (ようぼう)N3nounrequest
安堵する (あんどする)N3verbto be relieved
聞く (きく)N5verbto listen
安全 (あんぜん)N4nounsafety
配慮 (はいりょ)N4nounconsideration
果たす (はたす)N4verbto fulfill
支援 (しえん)N4nounsupport
拡充 (かくじゅう)N4nounexpansion
挙げる (あげる)N4verbto raise
実現する (じつげんする)N4verbto realize
決まる (きまる)N4verbto be decided
見通し (みとおし)N4nounoutlook
職員 (しょくいん)N4nounstaff
検討する (けんとうする)N3verbto consider
決める (きめる)N4verbto decide

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「改正案をめぐっては、提出した自民県議団が子どもだけの登下校や短時間の留守番も「虐待」にあたるとの考えを示し、県内外から批判が噴出。」
  • Grammatical points: The verb “示し” is in the 連体形 (attributive form) of the verb “示す” (to show), which modifies the noun “考え” (thought). The verb “あたる” is in the 連体形 (attributive form) of the verb “あたる” (to correspond to), which modifies the noun “虐待” (abuse).
  • Structure of the sentence: The sentence describes the situation surrounding the amendment proposal, stating that the submitted Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) prefectural group showed the belief that even children’s commuting to and from school alone or short periods of unsupervised time at home would constitute “abuse,” leading to criticism from both within and outside the prefecture.
  1. 「市 P 協は今回のメールで、改正案取り下げについて「保護者や子どもたちの声を聞いてもらうことができたと安堵(あんど)している」とした上で、養護者が「安全配慮義務」を果たせるような支援の拡充を要望。」
  • Grammatical points: The verb “安堵している” is in the ている form (present progressive form) of the verb “安堵する” (to feel relieved). The verb “果たせる” is the potential form of the verb “果たす” (to fulfill). The noun “安全配慮義務” (obligation to ensure safety) is modified by the phrase “養護者が” (guardians).
  • Structure of the sentence: The sentence states that the Saitama City PTA Council (City P Council) expressed relief in the email regarding the withdrawal of the amendment proposal, and then requested the expansion of support that would enable guardians to fulfill their obligation to ensure safety.
  1. 「改正案の撤回は、13 日に本会議での採決を経て正式に決まる見通し。」
  • Grammatical points: The verb “経て” is the 連用形 (continuative form) of the verb “経つ” (to pass through), which is used in conjunction with the verb “採決” (voting) to indicate the process of passing through voting. The noun “見通し” (prospect) is modified by the phrase “正式に決まる” (to be formally decided).
  • Structure of the sentence: The sentence states that the withdrawal of the amendment proposal is expected to be formally decided after going through voting in the plenary session on the 13th.