
年金運用、5兆7287億円の黒字 昨年10~12月期 GPIF


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WordJLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
運用する (うんようする)N3Verbto manage/invest
積立金 (ためだてきん)N2Nounsavings/deposit
管理 (かんり)N3Nounmanagement/control
独立行政法人 (どくりつぎょうせいほうじん)N1Nounindependent administrative institution
発表する (はっぴょうする)N3Verbto announce/publish
運用 (うんよう)N2Nounoperation/management
実績 (じっせき)N2Nounachievements/results
収益率 (しゅうえきりつ)N1Nounrate of return
上昇 (じょうしょう)N3Nounrise/increase
受ける (うける)N4Verbto receive/accept
株価指数 (かぶかしひょう)N1Nounstock price index
外国株式 (がいこくかぶしき)N1Nounforeign stocks
債券 (さいけん)N1Nounbonds/securities
黒字 (くろじ)N2Nounsurplus/profit
収益率 (しゅうえきりつ)N1Nounrate of return
低下 (ていか)N3Noundecline/fall
踏まえる (ふまえる)N2Verbto take into consideration
株価指数 (かぶかしひょう)N1Nounstock price index
上昇 (じょうしょう)N3Nounrise/increase
受ける (うける)N4Verbto receive/accept
株価指数 (かぶかしひょう)N1Nounstock price index
上昇 (じょうしょう)N3Nounrise/increase
受ける (うける)N4Verbto receive/accept
株価指数 (かぶかしひょう)N1Nounstock price index
上昇 (じょうしょう)N3Nounrise/increase
受ける (うける)N4Verbto receive/accept
株価指数 (かぶかしひょう)N1Nounstock price index
上昇 (じょうしょう)N3Nounrise/increase
受ける (うける)N4Verbto receive/accept

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • 収益率ではプラス2・62%。

    1. Grammatical points: 収益率では is a noun phrase meaning “in terms of return rate,” and プラス2・62% means “plus 2.62%.”
    2. Structure: This sentence is a simple statement indicating the return rate of the investment, with 収益率では functioning as the topic of the sentence and プラス2・62% as the specific value.
  • 外国株式が収益率でプラス4・91%、2兆7222億円の黒字となった。

    1. Grammatical points: 外国株式が収益率で means “foreign stocks in terms of return rate,” and プラス4・91% means “plus 4.91%.” 2兆7222億円の黒字となった means “resulted in a surplus of 27.222 trillion yen.”
    2. Structure: This sentence describes the performance of foreign stocks, with the phrase 外国株式が収益率でプラス4・91% providing the specific return rate, and 2兆7222億円の黒字となった indicating the resulting surplus.
  • 主要国の長期金利の低下を踏まえ、国内外の株価指数が上昇。

    1. Grammatical points: 長期金利の低下を踏まえ means “taking into account the decline in long-term interest rates,” and 株価指数が上昇 means “stock price indices are rising.”
    2. Structure: This sentence is a complex one with the first part 長期金利の低下を踏まえ providing the background or reason, and the second part 国内外の株価指数が上昇 indicating the result of the decline in long-term interest rates.


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