
首相肝いりの「車座対話」 初回は茂木氏VS県議「これでは聴取」


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
受ける (うける)N3Godan verbto receive
聞く (きく)N4Godan verbto listen
対話 (たいわ)N2Noundialogue
スタートするN3Suru verbto start
肝いり (きもいり)N1Noununder the supervision of
訪ねる (たずねる)N2Godan verbto visit
聴取 (ちょうしゅ)N1Nounhearing; listening
反省する (はんせいする)N2Suru verbto reflect
陳謝する (ちんしゃする)N1Suru verbto apologize
対応する (たいおうする)N2Suru verbto deal with
処分 (しょぶん)N2Nounpunishment
求める (もとめる)N2Godan verbto demand
表明する (ひょうめいする)N1Suru verbto declare
指摘する (してきする)N2Suru verbto point out
話を聞く (はなしをきく)N2Expressionto listen to someone’s story
準備 (じゅんび)N3Nounpreparation
余裕 (よゆう)N2Nounmargin; leeway
弁解する (べんかいする)N2Suru verbto justify
逃げる (にげる)N4Ichidan verbto escape
ひざ詰め (ひざづめ)N1Nounsitting on one’s knees
重ねる (かさねる)N2Godan verbto repeat
嘆く (なげく)N2Godan verbto lament
野党 (やとう)N1Nounopposition party
転落 (てんらく)N1Noundownfall
入り (いり)N3Nounentering
上っ面 (うわっめん)N1Nounsuperficiality
仕方ない (しかたない)N3Adjectiveinevitable
嘆く (なげく)N2Godan verbto lament

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1: 岸田文雄首相肝いりの企画だが、初日に金沢市を訪ねたのは茂木敏充幹事長。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • 肝いり: This is a compound noun formed by combining the noun 肝 (liver) and the verb いる (to need). It is used to indicate that something is done at someone’s insistence or under someone’s leadership.
      • だが: This is a conjunction that means “but” or “however.”
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • 岸田文雄首相肝いりの企画: This part means “a project led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.”
      • だが: This is used to introduce a contrasting element in the sentence.
      • 初日に金沢市を訪ねたのは茂木敏充幹事長: This part means “On the first day, it was Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi who visited Kanazawa city.”
  • Sentence 2: 党内からは「ずれている。対話というより聴取」との声が上がる。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • ずれている: This is the te-form of the verb ずれる (to deviate) followed by the auxiliary verb いる, indicating the state resulting from the deviation.
      • というより: This is a phrase used to indicate a preference or a more accurate description.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • 「ずれている。対話というより聴取」との声が上がる: This part means “Voices saying ‘It’s off track. It’s more like listening than dialogue’ are heard from within the party.”
  • Sentence 3: 党幹部は「準備の余裕がなくて相手は県連幹部になったが、今後は一般の有権者の声も聞いていく」と弁解するが、首相に近い中堅議員は「首相が自ら出て行き有権者から声を聞かないと逃げているみたいに見られる」とみる。

    1. Grammatical points:

      • 準備の余裕がなくて: This is a phrase meaning “due to the lack of time for preparation.”
      • 〜ていく: This is a structure indicating the continuation or progression of an action into the future.
      • みたいに: This is a phrase used to indicate that something appears or seems like something else.
    2. Structure of the sentence:

      • 党幹部は「準備の余裕がなくて相手は県連幹部になったが、今後は一般の有権者の声も聞いていく」と弁解する: This part means “Party executives explain, ‘Due to the lack of time for preparation, the counterpart became a prefectural federation executive, but from now on, we will also listen to the voices of general voters.’”
      • 首相に近い中堅議員は「首相が自ら出て行き有権者から声を聞かないと逃げているみたいに見られる」とみる: This part means “Middle-ranking lawmakers close to the Prime Minister see it as if the Prime Minister is seen as running away by not going out himself and listening to the voices of the voters.”


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