札幌市営地下鉄でパンク発生、大混乱に 珍しい「ゴム製タイヤ」
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
パンクする | N2 | Verb | to have a flat tire |
折り返し | N2 | Adverb | turning back; return |
運転 | N3 | Noun | driving; operation |
混乱する | N2 | Verb | to be confused |
交通局 | N2 | Noun | transportation bureau |
作動する | N2 | Verb | to operate; to work |
徐行 | N2 | Noun | slow speed |
点検 | N2 | Noun | inspection |
判明する | N2 | Verb | to be revealed; to be confirmed |
変形 | N2 | Noun | deformation |
不具合 | N2 | Noun | malfunction |
区間 | N3 | Noun | section; interval |
終日 | N2 | Noun | all day |
乗客 | N3 | Noun | passenger |
輸送 | N2 | Noun | transportation |
理由 | N3 | Noun | reason |
粘着性 | N1 | Noun | adhesiveness |
加速性 | N1 | Noun | acceleration |
制動性 | N1 | Noun | braking performance |
優れる | N2 | Verb | to excel; to be superior |
急勾配 | N1 | Noun | steep slope |
対応する | N2 | Verb | to cope with; to respond to |
視察 | N1 | Noun | inspection; observation |
感動する | N2 | Verb | to be moved; to be impressed |
挙げる | N2 | Verb | to mention; to raise |
起因する | N1 | Verb | to be caused by |
駅構内 | N1 | Noun | within the station premises |
待つ | N4 | Verb | to wait |
響く | N2 | Verb | to echo; to resound |
知られる | N2 | Verb | to be known |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1: 交通局によると、午前11時すぎ、南北線の麻生発真駒内行き(6両編成)が北24条駅を過ぎたところで「パンク検知装置」が作動。
Grammatical points:
- によると: This is a way to indicate the source of information or the basis for a statement.
- すぎる: In this context, it indicates that the train passed a certain point.
- が作動: This is the passive form of the verb 作動する (to operate/activate).
Structure of the sentence:
- 交通局によると: According to the transportation bureau
- 午前11時すぎ: Just after 11 a.m.
- 南北線の麻生発真駒内行き: A train departing from Asahikawa on the Namboku Line to Makomanai
- 北24条駅を過ぎたところで: At the point where it passed Kita 24-jo Station
- 「パンク検知装置」が作動: The “puncture detection device” activated
Sentence 2: 交通局によると、パンクは珍しいという。
Grammatical points:
- という: This is used to quote or report what someone else has said.
- は珍しい: The structure XはY (X is Y) is used to state that something is rare or unusual.
Structure of the sentence:
- 交通局によると: According to the transportation bureau
- パンクは珍しい: Punctures are rare
Sentence 3: また、麻生~北24条間での点検も実施。
Grammatical points:
- での: This is a way to indicate the location or scope of an action.
- も: In this context, it means “also” or “furthermore”.
- も実施: The verb 実施する means “to carry out” or “to implement”.
Structure of the sentence:
- 麻生~北24条間での点検: Inspection between Asahikawa and Kita 24-jo
- も実施: Also carried out
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