米映画監督ロジャー・コーマンさん死去 98歳 「B級映画の巨匠」
Word (Reading) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
制作する (せいさくする) | N3 | Verb | to produce |
厳しい (きびしい) | N4 | Adjective | strict |
呼ぶ (よぶ) | N4 | Verb | to call |
米国 (べいこく) | N3 | Noun | United States |
映画 (えいが) | N5 | Noun | movie |
プロデューサー | N/A | Noun | producer |
監督 (かんとく) | N3 | Noun | director |
死去する (しきょする) | N1 | Verb | to pass away |
自宅 (じたく) | N3 | Noun | one’s own home |
98歳 (きゅうじゅうはっさい) | N/A | Noun | 98 years old |
写真 (しゃしん) | N4 | Noun | photograph |
投稿 (とうこう) | N3 | Noun | posting |
アプリ | N/A | Noun | app |
公式 (こうしき) | N3 | Noun | official |
アカウント | N/A | Noun | account |
親族 (しんぞく) | N2 | Noun | relatives |
公表する (こうひょうする) | N2 | Verb | to announce |
メディア | N/A | Noun | media |
州 (しゅう) | N4 | Noun | state |
生まれる (うまれる) | N4 | Verb | to be born |
B級 (ビーきゅう) | N/A | Noun | B-movie |
巨匠 (きょしょう) | N/A | Noun | master |
本 (ほん) | N5 | Counter | counter for books, films, etc. |
ホラー | N/A | Noun | horror |
仮面 (かめん) | N3 | Noun | mask |
含む (ふくむ) | N3 | Verb | to include |
監督する (かんとくする) | N2 | Verb | to direct |
映画監督 | N/A | Noun | film director |
後進 (こうしん) | N/A | Noun | younger generation |
育成する (いくせいする) | N2 | Verb | to nurture |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1: 制作費に厳しく「低予算映画の帝王」と呼ばれた米国の映画プロデューサー・監督のロジャー・コーマンさんが9日、カリフォルニア州サンタモニカの自宅で死去した。
Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence contains several relative clauses modifying the noun “ロジャー・コーマンさん” (Roger Corman), describing him as a film producer and director in the United States who was known as the “emperor of low-budget films.”
Explanation of the structure:
- The main subject of the sentence is “ロジャー・コーマンさん” (Roger Corman).
- The sentence starts with the relative clause “制作費に厳しく” (strict on production costs), providing information about Corman’s approach to film production.
- This is followed by the relative clause “「低予算映画の帝王」と呼ばれた” (called the emperor of low-budget films), which further describes Corman’s reputation in the film industry.
- The sentence then continues with the date “9日” (the 9th) and the location “カリフォルニア州サンタモニカの自宅で” (at his home in Santa Monica, California) where he passed away.
Sentence 2: 米メディアによると、コーマンさんは1926年、ミシガン州デトロイト生まれ。
Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence introduces information about Roger Corman’s birth year and place of birth based on reports from American media.
Explanation of the structure:
- The sentence starts with the phrase “米メディアによると” (According to American media), indicating the source of the information.
- This is followed by the subject “コーマンさん” (Corman) and the information about his birth year “1926年” (1926) and birthplace “ミシガン州デトロイト” (Detroit, Michigan).
Sentence 3: 「B級映画の巨匠」とも呼ばれ、300本以上の映画をプロデュースし、ホラー映画「リトル・ショップ・オブ・ホラーズ」(1960年)、「赤死病の仮面」(1964年)を含む50本以上で監督を務めた。
Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence describes Roger Corman as being called the “master of B movies,” producing over 300 films, and directing more than 50 films, including horror movies like “The Little Shop of Horrors” (1960) and “The Masque of the Red Death” (1964).
Explanation of the structure:
- The sentence starts with the phrase “「B級映画の巨匠」とも呼ばれ” (also known as the master of B movies), providing additional information about Corman’s reputation in the film industry.
- This is followed by the list of actions he performed: “300本以上の映画をプロデュースし” (produced over 300 films) and “50本以上で監督を務めた” (directed more than 50 films).
- The sentence then specifies some of the films he directed, such as “ホラー映画「リトル・ショップ・オブ・ホラーズ」(1960年)” (the horror film “The Little Shop of Horrors” in 1960) and “「赤死病の仮面」(1964年)” (The Masque of the Red Death in 1964).
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