「不登校とかんしゃく」母親が児相に相談 海老名の小中学生3人死亡
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
殺人 (さつじん) | N2 | noun | murder |
逮捕 (たいほ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | arrest |
悩む (なやむ) | N2 | verb (godan) | to be troubled |
供述 (きょうじゅつ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | testimony; to testify |
支援 (しえん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | support; to support |
継続 (けいぞく) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | continuation; to continue |
面談 (めんだん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | interview; to interview |
通学 (つうがく) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | commuting to school; to commute to school |
延期 (えんき) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | postponement; to postpone |
強い (つよい) | N3 | い-adjective | strong |
ショック (しょっく) | N2 | noun | shock |
失う (うしなう) | N2 | verb (godan) | to lose |
相談 (そうだん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | consultation; to consult |
臨床 (りんしょう) | N2 | noun | clinical |
心理士 (しんりし) | N2 | noun | psychologist |
死因 (しいん) | N2 | noun | cause of death |
脳挫傷 (のうざしょう) | N1 | noun | cerebral contusion |
窒息 (ちっそく) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | choking; to choke |
発表 (はっぴょう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | announcement; to announce |
駆けつける (かけつける) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to rush to |
自殺 (じさつ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | suicide; to commit suicide |
図る (はかる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to plan; to attempt |
確認 (かくにん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | confirmation; to confirm |
夫 (おっと) | N3 | noun | husband |
倒れる (たおれる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to fall down |
発見 (はっけん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | discovery; to discover |
鈍器 (どんき) | N1 | noun | blunt weapon |
殴る (なぐる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to hit; to strike |
結果 (けっか) | N3 | noun | result |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
亡くなる (なくなる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to pass away |
大切 (たいせつ) | N3 | な-adjective | precious; important |
悲しむ (かなしむ) | N2 | verb (godan) | to mourn |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「厚木児童相談所は、林容疑者から2023年3月に「長男の不登校とかんしゃく」について相談を受け、継続支援中だったという。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「について」: This phrase indicates the topic of the consultation, meaning “regarding” or “about.”
- 「受け」: This is the stem form of the verb 「受ける」 (to receive), used here in a compound structure.
- 「継続支援中だった」: This phrase means “was in ongoing support,” where 「継続」 means “continuation,” 「支援」 means “support,” and 「中」 indicates an ongoing state.
- The sentence starts with the subject (厚木児童相談所 - Atsugi Child Consultation Center), followed by the action (相談を受け - received consultation) and the details of the consultation (長男の不登校とかんしゃくについて - regarding the eldest son’s school refusal and tantrums). It concludes with the state of support (継続支援中だった - was in ongoing support).
Sentence: 「署は12月31日、死亡した長女と長男の死因は脳挫傷と窒息、次女の死因は窒息だったと発表した。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「死因は」: This phrase means “the cause of death,” where 「死因」 is a noun meaning “cause of death” and 「は」 is the topic marker.
- 「と発表した」: This means “announced that,” where 「と」 is used to quote or indicate what was announced.
- The sentence begins with the subject (署 - the police), followed by the date (12月31日 - December 31). It then states the causes of death for the eldest daughter and son (死亡した長女と長男の死因は脳挫傷と窒息 - the causes of death for the deceased eldest daughter and son were brain contusion and asphyxiation) and concludes with the cause of death for the second daughter (次女の死因は窒息だった - the cause of death for the second daughter was asphyxiation).
Sentence: 「事件は同29日夜、3人が倒れているのを帰宅した夫が発見し、119番通報。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「倒れている」: This is the te-form of the verb 「倒れる」 (to fall), combined with 「いる」 to indicate a continuous state, meaning “are fallen” or “are lying down.”
- 「発見し」: This is the te-form of the verb 「発見する」 (to discover), used here to connect actions.
- 「119番通報」: This means “call to 119,” where 「通報」 means “report” or “notification.”
- The sentence starts with the event (事件 - the incident), followed by the time (同29日夜 - on the night of the 29th). It describes the action taken by the husband (帰宅した夫が発見し - the husband who returned home discovered) and concludes with the action of calling for help (119番通報 - calling 119). The structure emphasizes the sequence of events leading to the discovery of the three individuals.
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