Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
亡くなる (なくなる) | N3 | godan verb | to pass away |
公表する (こうひょうする) | N2 | suru verb | to announce |
調査 (ちょうさ) | N3 | noun | investigation |
報告書 (ほうこくしょ) | N2 | noun | report |
指摘する (してきする) | N2 | suru verb | to point out |
応じる (おうじる) | N2 | godan verb | to respond |
不一致 (ふいっち) | N1 | noun | discrepancy |
述べる (のべる) | N2 | godan verb | to state |
巡る (めぐる) | N2 | godan verb | to revolve around |
投稿する (とうこうする) | N3 | suru verb | to post |
話題 (わだい) | N3 | noun | topic |
削除する (さくじょする) | N2 | suru verb | to delete |
可能性 (かのうせい) | N2 | noun | possibility |
示す (しめす) | N2 | godan verb | to indicate |
通じる (つうじる) | N2 | godan verb | to convey |
意識 (いしき) | N2 | noun | consciousness |
認識する (にんしきする) | N2 | suru verb | to recognize |
契約書 (けいやくしょ) | N2 | noun | contract |
撮影 (さつえい) | N2 | noun | filming |
担当する (たんとうする) | N2 | suru verb | to be in charge |
反対する (はんたいする) | N2 | suru verb | to oppose |
受け入れる (うけいれる) | N2 | godan verb | to accept |
高める (たかめる) | N2 | godan verb | to heighten |
締結する (ていけつする) | N2 | suru verb | to conclude |
提言する (ていげんする) | N1 | suru verb | to propose |
盛り込む (もりこむ) | N2 | godan verb | to include |
謝罪する (しゃざいする) | N2 | suru verb | to apologize |
不安 (ふあん) | N3 | noun | anxiety |
調査委員会 (ちょうさいいんかい) | N1 | noun | investigative committee |
調査結果 (ちょうさけっか) | N2 | noun | investigation results |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
The sentence “取材に応じた調査チームの早稲田祐美子弁護士は、「最終的には(原作者の)著作者人格権は守られたが、やりとりのなかで不一致があった」と述べた。” is difficult to understand because of the complex grammar and structure used.
Grammatical points:
- 著作者人格権 (ちょさくしゃじんかくけん) - moral rights of an author
- 不一致 (ふいっち) - inconsistency, discrepancy
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence starts with the subject “取材に応じた調査チームの早稲田祐美子弁護士” (Lawyer Yūmiko Waseda, a member of the investigation team that responded to the interview) followed by the topic marker “は”.
- The lawyer’s statement is then presented within quotation marks, indicating direct speech.
- The main point of the sentence is that while the moral rights of the original author were ultimately protected, there were inconsistencies in the communication process.
The sentence “報告書は、この原因として、制作初期から日テレ側と原作者の面会が行われないなど、すりあわせが十分に行われず、「意識疎通の土台が作られないまま制作に入っていった」と指摘。” is difficult to understand due to the use of formal language and complex structure.
Grammatical points:
- すりあわせ (すりあわせ) - adjustment, coordination
- 意識疎通 (いしきそつう) - mutual understanding, communication
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence begins with the topic “報告書” (report) followed by the topic marker “は”.
- It then describes the reason for the report, highlighting the lack of sufficient coordination and communication between NTV and the original author from the early stages of production.
- The sentence ends with the verb “指摘” (point out), indicating the conclusion drawn from the investigation.
The sentence “日テレは原作者と契約書を結んでいないこともあり、「放送できなくなるかもしれない」と考えて芦原さんの意向を受け入れたため、脚本家は「日テレは守ってくれない」と不満を高め、制作の経緯をSNSに投稿。” is difficult to understand due to the complex relationship between the clauses.
Grammatical points:
- 契約書 (けいやくしょ) - contract
- 受け入れる (うけいれる) - to accept, to receive
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence starts with the subject “日テレ” (NTV) followed by the topic marker “は”.
- It then explains the reason for accepting the original author’s intentions, which was influenced by the lack of a contract between NTV and the original author.
- The subsequent actions of the scriptwriter and the escalation of dissatisfaction are described, leading to the scriptwriter posting about the production process on social media.
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