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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
指摘 (してき)N2Nounmention, point out
述べる (のべる)N3Verb (Godan)to state, to express
辞任 (じにん)N2Nounresignation
示す (しめす)N3Verb (Godan)to show, to indicate
出席 (しゅっせき)N3Nounattendance
掲げる (かかげる)N2Verb (Ichidan)to raise, to hold up
署名 (しょめい)N2Nounsignature
受け取る (うけとる)N3Verb (Godan)to receive
証言 (しょうげん)N2Nountestimony
投じる (とうじる)N1Verb (Godan)to cast, to throw
朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)N1NounAsahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper)
事実上 (じじつじょう)N1Adverbvirtually, in effect
仮に (かりに)N1Adverbtemporarily, provisionally
選挙戦 (せんきょせん)N2Nounelection campaign
軽率 (けいそつ)N1Na-adjectivethoughtless, careless
明言 (めいげん)N1Noundeclaration
解散 (かいさん)N2Noundissolution
命令 (めいれい)N3Nounorder, command
請求 (せいきゅう)N2Nounrequest, demand
追及 (ついきゅう)N1Nounpursuit, questioning
適格性 (てきかくせい)N1Nouneligibility
疑問 (ぎもん)N3Noundoubt, question
閣議 (かくぎ)N1Nouncabinet meeting
記者会見 (きしゃかいけん)N1Nounpress conference
国政 (こくせい)N1Nounnational politics
支援 (しえん)N2Nounsupport, assistance
対応 (たいおう)N2Nounresponse, coping
確認 (かくにん)N3Nounconfirmation
望む (のぞむ)N3Verb (Godan)to hope, to wish
信頼 (しんらい)N2Nountrust, reliance

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 会見で盛山氏は、確認書については「仮にサインしたとすれば、いくら選挙戦であったとしても軽率だった」とした。

    • Grammatical points:

      • 仮に (if)
      • とすれば (if it is the case that)
      • いくら…としても (no matter how)
      • だった (past tense copula)
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • In this sentence, 盛山氏 is expressing his opinion on the confirmation document (確認書) by using the conditional phrase 仮にサインしたとすれば (“if it is the case that I signed”). He then follows it with the phrase いくら選挙戦であったとしても (“no matter how it was an election campaign”), indicating that regardless of the situation being an election campaign, he believes it would have been 軽率だった (“reckless”). The sentence ends with the past tense copula だった to indicate the past tense of the verb 軽率だ (“reckless”).
  2. 会見で記者から、宗教法人を所管する閣僚としてふさわしいか問われた盛山氏は「旧統一教会とは関係を絶ったと明言している」とし、「少なくとも昨年9月の就任以来、旧統一教会に対する解散命令請求そのほか、しっかりと対応しており、そういった私の行動をご覧いただいて、ご信頼いただければ」と話した。

    • Grammatical points:

      • として (as)
      • そのほか (in addition)
      • ご覧いただく (honorific form of “to see”)
      • いただければ (if you would)
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • In this sentence, 盛山氏 is responding to a question from the press regarding his suitability as a minister in charge of religious corporations. He states that he has clearly cut ties with the Unification Church (旧統一教会) and emphasizes that since his appointment in September of last year, he has been handling matters related to the Unification Church, such as requesting dissolution orders, in addition to other responses. He then expresses his hope that by observing such actions, people would trust him. The sentence includes honorific language (ご覧いただく) and a conditional form (いただければ) to convey a sense of politeness and humility.
  3. 8日の衆院予算委員会で野党から追及を受けた盛山氏は「記憶にございません」を連発。

    • Grammatical points:

      • で (at)
      • から (from)
      • を (object marker)
      • を連発 (repeatedly)
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • In this sentence, 盛山氏 is described as being questioned by the opposition party (野党) at the House of Representatives Budget Committee on the 8th. He is said to have repeatedly responded with the phrase “記憶にございません” (“I do not recall”). The sentence structure uses the particle で to indicate the location or setting of the action, から to show the source of the action (being questioned by the opposition party), を as the object marker for 追及 (questioning), and を連発 to indicate the action of repeatedly saying something.


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