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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
指摘 (してき)N3Nounmention, pointing out
接点 (せってん)N2Nouncontact, connection
述べる (のべる)N3Godan verbto state, to express
辞任 (じにん)N2Nounresignation
考える (かんがえる)N4Ichidan verbto think, to consider
出席 (しゅっせき)N3Nounattendance, presence
署名 (しょめい)N2Nounsignature
受け取る (うけとる)N3Ichidan verbto receive, to accept
確認 (かくにん)N3Nounconfirmation
署名 (しょめい)N2Nounsignature
署名 (しょめい)N2Nounsignature
朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)N2NounAsahi Shimbun (major Japanese newspaper)
事実上 (じじつじょう)N2Adverbvirtually, practically
会見 (かいけん)N2Nounpress conference
仮に (かりに)N2Adverbtemporarily, if
選挙戦 (せんきょせん)N2Nounelection campaign
軽率 (けいそつ)N1Na-adjectivethoughtless, careless
明言 (めいげん)N1Noundeclaration, statement
解散 (かいさん)N2Noundissolution
命令 (めいれい)N3Nounorder, command
請求 (せいきゅう)N2Nounrequest, claim
追及 (ついきゅう)N1Nounpursuit, questioning
適格性 (てきかくせい)N1Nounqualification, eligibility
疑問 (ぎもん)N3Noundoubt, question

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1: 世界平和統一家庭連合(旧統一教会)側との接点が指摘される盛山正仁文部科学相は、9日の閣議後の記者会見で「職責にしっかり対応していく」と述べ、自ら閣僚を辞任しない考えを示した。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence contains multiple relative clauses modifying 盛山正仁文部科学相 (Morisue Masahito, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology), making it complex.
    2. Structure: The main subject 盛山正仁文部科学相 (Morisue Masahito) is followed by the relative clause 世界平和統一家庭連合(旧統一教会)側との接点が指摘される (being pointed out as having connections with the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly known as the Unification Church)). This is followed by another relative clause 9日の閣議後の記者会見で「職責にしっかり対応していく」と述べ (stating “I will respond firmly to my duties” in the press conference after the cabinet meeting on the 9th), and then the main clause 自ら閣僚を辞任しない考えを示した (showed the intention of not resigning as a minister himself).
  • Sentence 2: その場で家庭教育支援法の制定やLGBTへの対応など、教団側が掲げる政策への賛同を求める確認書に署名し、推薦状を受け取ったとされる。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes a list of actions (署名し、推薦状を受け取った) connected by the conjunction と (and).
    2. Structure: The sentence starts with the phrase その場で (at that place), followed by the actions 家庭教育支援法の制定やLGBTへの対応など、教団側が掲げる政策への賛同を求める確認書に署名し (signed a confirmation document requesting support for policies such as the establishment of the Family Education Support Law and support for LGBT), and 推薦状を受け取ったとされる (is said to have received a letter of recommendation).
  • Sentence 3: 会見で盛山氏は、確認書については「仮にサインしたとすれば、いくら選挙戦であったとしても軽率だった」とした。

    1. Grammatical points: This sentence includes a conditional clause (仮にサインしたとすれば) expressing a hypothetical situation.
    2. Structure: The sentence structure is straightforward with 盛山氏は (Mr. Morisue) as the subject, followed by the statement about the confirmation document 確認書については (regarding the confirmation document), and the conditional clause 「仮にサインしたとすれば、いくら選挙戦であったとしても軽率だった」とした (if I had signed it, it would have been reckless no matter how it was during the election campaign).


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