Here are 30 intermediate and advanced level words from the article:
|Word (Furigana)| JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning | |—————–|————|—————-|———| |指摘 (してき)| N2 | Noun | mention, pointing out | |述べる (のべる)| N3 | Verb (る) | to state, to express | |辞任 (じにん)| N2 | Noun | resignation | |考え (かんがえ)| N3 | Noun | thought, idea | |出席 (しゅっせき)| N3 | Noun | attendance | |署名 (しょめい)| N3 | Noun | signature | |確認 (かくにん)| N3 | Noun | confirmation | |署名 (しょめい)| N3 | Noun | signature | |確認 (かくにん)| N3 | Noun | confirmation | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |確認 (かくにん)| N3 | Noun | confirmation | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |確認 (かくにん)| N3 | Noun | confirmation | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) | |朝日新聞 (あさひしんぶん)| N3 | Noun | Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Grammatical points:
- 仮に (if) + サインした (signed) + とすれば (if it is assumed) + いくら (no matter how) + 選挙戦であったとしても (even if it was an election) + 軽率だった (was reckless)
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence starts with 盛山氏は (Minister Moriyama), followed by his statement about the confirmation document (確認書については). The clause 仮にサインしたとすれば (if it is assumed that I signed) expresses a hypothetical situation. The following clause いくら選挙戦であったとしても軽率だった (no matter how reckless it was even if it was an election) explains the recklessness of the action.
Grammatical points:
- 宗教法人を所管する閣僚としてふさわしいか (suitable as a minister in charge of religious corporations) + 問われた (was asked) + とし (stated that) + 明言している (clearly stated) + 就任以来 (since taking office) + 解散命令請求そのほか (dissolution order and others) + 対応しており (dealt with) + 行動をご覧いただいて (seeing the actions) + ご信頼いただければ (if you could trust)
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence starts with 会見で (at the press conference), followed by 盛山氏は (Minister Moriyama). The clause 宗教法人を所管する閣僚としてふさわしいか問われた (was asked if suitable as a minister in charge of religious corporations) is a reported speech. 盛山氏’s response is indicated by とし (stated that) and the following statements.
Grammatical points:
- 衆院 (House of Representatives) + 予算委員会 (Budget Committee) + 野党 (opposition party) + 追及を受けた (was questioned) + を連発 (repeated)
Structure of the sentence:
- The sentence starts with 8日の (on the 8th), followed by 衆院予算委員会で (at the House of Representatives Budget Committee). The subject 盛山氏 (Minister Moriyama) is followed by the action 追及を受けた (was questioned) and the phrase “記憶にございません"を連発 (repeatedly said “I don’t remember”).
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