歌手の大橋純子さん死去 73歳、「シルエット・ロマンス」
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
知られる (しられる) | N3 | Verb | to be known |
死去する (しきょする) | N1 | Verb | to pass away |
再発する (さいはつする) | N2 | Verb | to relapse |
休止する (きゅうしする) | N1 | Verb | to suspend |
通夜 (つや) | N2 | Noun | wake |
葬儀 (そうぎ) | N2 | Noun | funeral |
出身 (しゅっしん) | N3 | Noun | origin |
デビューする | N3 | Verb | to debut |
伸びやかな (のびやかな) | N1 | Adjective | flexible |
脚光を浴びる (きゃっこうをあびる) | N1 | Verb | to be in the limelight |
ヒット (ひっと) | N3 | Noun | hit |
力強い (ちからづよい) | N3 | Adjective | powerful |
美しい (うつくしい) | N5 | Adjective | beautiful |
暗い (くらい) | N5 | Adjective | dark |
暖かい (あたたかい) | N5 | Adjective | warm |
高い (たかい) | N5 | Adjective | high |
低い (ひくい) | N5 | Adjective | low |
速い (はやい) | N5 | Adjective | fast |
遅い (おそい) | N5 | Adjective | slow |
新しい (あたらしい) | N5 | Adjective | new |
古い (ふるい) | N5 | Adjective | old |
静かな (しずかな) | N5 | Adjective | quiet |
美味しい (おいしい) | N5 | Adjective | delicious |
早い (はやい) | N5 | Adjective | early |
遠い (とおい) | N5 | Adjective | far |
近い (ちかい) | N5 | Adjective | close |
早く (はやく) | N5 | Adverb | quickly |
静かに (しずかに) | N5 | Adverb | quietly |
美しく (うつくしく) | N5 | Adverb | beautifully |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- This sentence includes the time and location of the wake and funeral.
- The structure of the sentence is “time + location + で” to indicate where the events will take place.
- This sentence describes the hit song “Simple Love” released in 1977 by the singer Junko Ohashi and the Minoya Central Station.
- The structure of the sentence is “year + に + artist + として + 出した + song + が + ヒット” to indicate the time and circumstances of the song’s release and its success.
- This sentence describes the subsequent hit songs “Tasogare My Love” (1978) and “Silhouette Romance” (1981), for which she received the Japan Record Award for Best Vocal Performance.
- The structure of the sentence is “その後も + song + (year)や、award + を + 受賞した + song + で + 脚光を浴びた” to indicate the succession of hit songs and the recognition received.
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