スマイル社が被害当事者4人を提訴 元Jr.「寄り添う行動なのか」
渥美 優子弁護士は「スマイル社が一方的に設定した枠組みを被害者に押しつけて解決しようとしており、被害者に寄り添う態度とは真っ向から反するもの」と指摘。米国での訴訟を阻止するための手段であるとも考えられるとした。
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
創業 (そうぎょう) | N2 | noun | founding |
性加害 (せいかがい) | N2 | noun | sexual abuse |
訴える (うったえる) | N2 | godan verb | to sue, to appeal |
損害賠償 (そんがいばいしょう) | N2 | noun | damages compensation |
確認 (かくにん) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | confirmation; to confirm |
求める (もとめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to seek, to request |
訴訟 (そしょう) | N2 | noun | lawsuit |
提訴 (ていそ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | filing a lawsuit; to file a lawsuit |
補償 (ほしょう) | N2 | noun | compensation |
対応 (たいおう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | correspondence; to respond |
反する (はんする) | N2 | godan verb | to oppose, to contradict |
寄り添う (よりそう) | N2 | godan verb | to be close to, to support |
指摘 (してき) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | indication; to point out |
阻止 (そし) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | prevention; to prevent |
解決 (かいけつ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | resolution; to resolve |
公平 (こうへい) | N2 | noun | fairness |
増減 (ぞうげん) | N2 | noun | increase and decrease |
目指す (めざす) | N2 | godan verb | to aim for, to aspire |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to advance, to promote |
従う (したがう) | N2 | godan verb | to follow, to comply |
住む (すむ) | N2 | godan verb | to live |
認める (みとめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to recognize, to admit |
適切 (てきせつ) | N2 | な-adjective | appropriate |
反する (はんする) | N2 | godan verb | to oppose, to contradict |
終わらせる (おわらせる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to finish, to end |
見せる (みせる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to show |
広がる (ひろがる) | N2 | godan verb | to spread |
提示 (ていじ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | presentation; to present |
受ける (うける) | N2 | ichidan verb | to receive |
反映 (はんえい) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | reflection; to reflect |
伴う (ともなう) | N2 | godan verb | to accompany, to involve |
進行 (しんこう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | progress; to proceed |
取り組む (とりくむ) | N2 | godan verb | to tackle, to address |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「同社は、同社が設けた被害者救済委員会による補償の枠組みに応じるよう求めており、当事者らは6日、東京都内で会見し、「被害者に寄り添う態度に反する」と訴えた。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「応じるよう求めており」: This structure uses the verb 「求める」 (to demand/request) in the て-form followed by 「おり」 (a formal version of いる), indicating a continuous action. The phrase 「応じるよう」 means “in order to respond” or “to comply with.”
- 「寄り添う態度に反する」: This phrase means “to be contrary to the attitude of being close to (the victims).” Here, 「反する」 is a verb meaning “to oppose” or “to be contrary to.”
Structure: The sentence begins with the subject (同社) and describes its action (求めており). It then introduces the context of the action (the framework of compensation established by the victim relief committee) and concludes with the actions of the parties involved (当事者らの会見 and their statement).
Sentence: 「被害当事者の代理人弁護士や同社によると、同社は救済委員会による補償の枠組みに応じず、調停でも合意に至らなかった3人に対しての損害賠償債務、残り1人については救済委員会が提示した補償額を超えての債務、それぞれが存在しないことの確認を求めている。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「応じず」: This is the negative form of the verb 「応じる」 (to respond), indicating that the company did not comply with the framework.
- 「合意に至らなかった」: This phrase uses the verb 「至る」 (to reach) in the negative past form, meaning “did not reach an agreement.”
- 「それぞれが存在しないことの確認を求めている」: This part indicates that the company is seeking confirmation that the respective debts do not exist. 「存在しないこと」 is a noun phrase meaning “the fact that they do not exist.”
Structure: The sentence starts with a reference to the source of information (被害当事者の代理人弁護士や同社によると), followed by the main subject (同社) and its actions (応じず and 求めている). It details the conditions regarding the three individuals and the remaining one, culminating in the request for confirmation.
Sentence: 「渥美優子弁護士は「スマイル社が一方的に設定した枠組みを被害者に押しつけて解決しようとしており、被害者に寄り添う態度とは真っ向から反するもの」と指摘。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「押しつけて解決しようとしており」: This phrase combines the verb 「押しつける」 (to impose) in the て-form with 「解決しようとしている」 (trying to resolve), indicating an ongoing action of trying to impose a framework for resolution.
- 「真っ向から反するもの」: This means “something that is directly contrary.” 「真っ向から」 emphasizes the directness of the opposition.
Structure: The sentence begins with the subject (渥美優子弁護士) and her statement. It includes a quotation that elaborates on her criticism of the company’s actions, explaining how they are imposing their framework on the victims and how this contradicts the attitude of support. The structure emphasizes her viewpoint and the implications of the company’s actions.
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