韓国地裁、北朝鮮に賠償命令 帰還事業巡り脱北者勝訴
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
帰還 (きかん) | N2 | noun | return |
脱北 (だっぽく) | N2 | noun | defection from north korea |
暮らす (くらす) | N2 | godan verb | to live |
損害 (そんがい) | N2 | noun | damage |
賠償 (ばいしょう) | N2 | noun | compensation |
求める (もとめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to seek |
訴訟 (そしょう) | N2 | noun | lawsuit |
判決 (はんけつ) | N2 | noun | judgment |
認める (みとめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to recognize |
支払い (しはらい) | N2 | noun | payment |
命じる (めいじる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to order |
主張 (しゅちょう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | assertion/to assert |
過酷 (かこく) | N2 | い-adjective | harsh |
強いる (しいる) | N2 | godan verb | to force |
参加 (さんか) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | participation/to participate |
確定 (かくてい) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | determination/to determine |
応じる (おうじる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to respond |
見通し (みとおし) | N2 | noun | outlook |
表明 (ひょうめい) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | declaration/to declare |
模索 (もさく) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | exploration/to explore |
資金 (しきん) | N2 | noun | funds |
差し押さえ (さしおさえ) | N2 | noun | seizure |
帰還事業 (きかんじぎょう) | N2 | noun | return project |
渡航 (とこう) | N2 | noun | travel abroad |
被害 (ひがい) | N2 | noun | damage/harm |
救済 (きゅうさい) | N2 | noun | relief |
経済 (けいざい) | N2 | noun | economy |
北韓 (ほっかん) | N2 | noun | north korea |
情報 (じょうほう) | N3 | noun | information |
生活 (せいかつ) | N3 | noun | life/living |
宣伝 (せんでん) | N3 | noun | advertisement |
だまされる (だまされる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to be deceived |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「地裁は原告の訴えを認め、北朝鮮に1人当たり1億ウォン(約1100万円)の支払いを命じた。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「認め」 is the 連用形 (ren’yōkei) of the verb 「認める」 (to recognize/acknowledge), used here to connect two actions.
- 「命じた」 is the past tense of the verb 「命じる」 (to order/command).
- 「1人当たり」 means “per person,” indicating a distribution or allocation.
- The sentence consists of two main clauses connected by a comma. The first clause states that the court recognized the plaintiff’s claims, while the second clause indicates that the court ordered North Korea to pay a specific amount per person.
Sentence: 「原告は3月に提訴し、『北朝鮮は地上の楽園だ』という宣伝にだまされ、抑留下で過酷な生活を強いられたと主張していた。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「提訴し」 is the 連用形 of the verb 「提訴する」 (to file a lawsuit), indicating the action of filing.
- 「だまされ」 is the passive form of the verb 「だます」 (to deceive), meaning “was deceived.”
- 「強いられた」 is the passive form of the verb 「強いる」 (to force), meaning “was forced.”
- The phrase 「という」 is used to quote or refer to something said or claimed.
- This sentence is complex, containing multiple clauses. The main clause states that the plaintiffs filed a lawsuit in March. It includes a subordinate clause that describes the deception by North Korea’s propaganda and another subordinate clause that explains the harsh life they were forced to endure.
Sentence: 「北朝鮮は裁判に参加していないため、判決が確定するとみられる。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「参加していない」 is the negative present continuous form of the verb 「参加する」 (to participate), indicating that North Korea is not participating.
- 「ため」 indicates a reason or cause, meaning “because” or “due to.”
- 「とみられる」 is a passive expression meaning “is expected to” or “is believed to.”
- The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause. The subordinate clause explains the reason (North Korea is not participating in the trial), and the main clause expresses the expectation that the judgment will be finalized as a result of that reason.
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