韓国の尹錫悦大統領を逮捕 現職は初 支持者が地裁に乱入、破壊行為
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
拘束 (こうそく) | N2 | noun | detention |
逮捕 (たいほ) | N2 | noun | arrest |
発付 (はっぷ) | N2 | noun | issuance |
反発 (はんぱつ) | N2 | noun | backlash |
破壊 (はかい) | N2 | noun | destruction |
隠滅 (いんめつ) | N2 | noun | concealment |
懸念 (けねん) | N2 | noun | concern |
再犯 (さいはん) | N2 | noun | recidivism |
訴え (うったえ) | N2 | noun | appeal |
正当性 (せいとうせい) | N2 | noun | legitimacy |
争う (あらそう) | N2 | godan verb | to dispute |
受ける (うける) | N3 | ichidan verb | to receive |
反論 (はんろん) | N2 | noun | counterargument |
説明 (せつめい) | N3 | noun | explanation |
供述 (きょうじゅつ) | N2 | noun | testimony |
侵入 (しんにゅう) | N2 | noun | intrusion |
暴行 (ぼうこう) | N2 | noun | assault |
鎮圧 (ちんあつ) | N2 | noun | suppression |
重要性 (じゅうようせい) | N2 | noun | importance |
誠実 (せいじつ) | N2 | な-adjective | sincerity |
取り調べ (とりしらべ) | N2 | noun | interrogation |
逃亡 (とうぼう) | N2 | noun | escape |
構え (かまえ) | N2 | noun | posture |
乗り越える (のりこえる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to overcome |
反発する (はんぱつする) | N2 | godan verb | to oppose |
受け入れる (うけいれる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to accept |
申し立て (もうしたて) | N2 | noun | assertion |
取り消す (とりけす) | N2 | godan verb | to cancel |
直面 (ちょくめん) | N2 | noun | confrontation |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N3 | な-adjective | important |
進展 (しんてん) | N2 | noun | progress |
監視 (かんし) | N2 | noun | surveillance |
反映 (はんえい) | N2 | noun | reflection |
立証 (りっしょう) | N2 | noun | proof |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「公捜庁は取り調べのため、尹氏に拘置所から同日午後2時に出頭するよう求めたが、尹氏が応じなかったため、20日午前10時に再び出頭を求める予定だという。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「求めたが」: This is a conjunction that combines two clauses, where the first clause states that the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested something, and the second clause indicates a contrasting situation (that Yoon did not comply).
- 「出頭するよう」: This phrase uses the particle 「よう」 to indicate a request or suggestion, meaning “to come forward” or “to appear.”
- 「予定だという」: This structure indicates that something is planned or expected, often used to report what someone else has said.
- The sentence begins with the subject (公捜庁) and the action (求めた), followed by the purpose (取り調べのため) and the indirect object (尹氏に). The second part introduces a contrasting situation (尹氏が応じなかったため) leading to the conclusion (20日午前10時に再び出頭を求める予定だという).
Sentence: 「尹氏はソウル拘置所から護送車で同地裁に到着した。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「から」: This particle indicates the starting point of a movement or action, in this case, “from the Seoul detention center.”
- 「で」: This particle indicates the means or method by which the action is performed, here meaning “by transport vehicle.”
- 「到着した」: This is the past tense of the verb 「到着する」, meaning “to arrive.”
- The sentence starts with the subject (尹氏), followed by the location of departure (ソウル拘置所から), the means of transport (護送車で), and concludes with the destination (同地裁に到着した).
Sentence: 「尹氏側は昨年12月の非常戒厳の宣布について、司法審査の対象にならない「統治行為」で内乱罪は成立しないと主張してきた。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「について」: This phrase indicates the topic of discussion, meaning “regarding” or “concerning.”
- 「成立しない」: This is the negative form of the verb 「成立する」, meaning “to be established” or “to be valid,” indicating that the crime of insurrection does not apply.
- 「主張してきた」: This is the past perfect form of the verb 「主張する」, meaning “to assert” or “to claim,” indicating a continuous action up to the present.
- The sentence begins with the subject (尹氏側), followed by the topic (昨年12月の非常戒厳の宣布について), then introduces the assertion (司法審査の対象にならない「統治行為」で内乱罪は成立しない), which is the main claim being made. The sentence concludes with the verb phrase indicating the ongoing nature of the assertion (主張してきた).
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