韓国の尹錫悦大統領を内乱罪で起訴 検察、拘束延長の不許可を受け
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
起訴する (きそする) | N2 | godan verb | to indict |
拒む (こばむ) | N2 | godan verb | to refuse |
罷免 (ひめん) | N2 | noun | dismissal |
判断する (はんだんする) | N2 | godan verb | to judge |
審判 (しんぱん) | N2 | noun | trial |
拘束 (こうそく) | N2 | noun | detention |
逮捕する (たいほする) | N2 | godan verb | to arrest |
共謀する (きょうぼうする) | N2 | godan verb | to conspire |
暴動 (ぼうどう) | N2 | noun | riot |
決定する (けっていする) | N2 | godan verb | to decide |
申請する (しんせいする) | N2 | godan verb | to apply |
延長する (えんちょうする) | N2 | godan verb | to extend |
不許可 (ふきょか) | N2 | noun | disapproval |
再申請 (さいしんせい) | N2 | noun | reapplication |
立証 (りっしょう) | N2 | noun | proof |
真相 (しんそう) | N2 | noun | true nature |
効率的 (こうりつてき) | N2 | な-adjective | efficient |
伴う (ともなう) | N2 | godan verb | to accompany |
取り調べ (とりしらべ) | N2 | noun | interrogation |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to advance |
決める (きめる) | N3 | ichidan verb | to decide |
送致 (そうち) | N2 | noun | sending (to a court) |
事件 (じけん) | N3 | noun | incident |
期間 (きかん) | N3 | noun | period |
追加 (ついか) | N3 | noun | addition |
受ける (うける) | N3 | ichidan verb | to receive |
進行する (しんこうする) | N2 | godan verb | to proceed |
述べる (のべる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to state |
期待する (きたいする) | N2 | godan verb | to expect |
反映する (はんえいする) | N2 | godan verb | to reflect |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
可能 (かのう) | N2 | な-adjective | possible |
進展 (しんてん) | N2 | noun | progress |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | noun | influence |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 罷免(ひめん)の可否を判断する弾劾(だんがい)審判が憲法裁判所ですでに始まっているが、尹大統領は同時並行で刑事裁判のプロセスにも臨むことになる。
Grammatical Points:
- 可否 (かひ): This noun means “whether or not” or “the possibility of.” It is often used in contexts where a decision or judgment is being made.
- 判断する (はんだんする): This is a verb phrase meaning “to judge” or “to determine.” The structure indicates an action being taken regarding the noun preceding it.
- 同時並行で (どうじへいこうで): This phrase means “simultaneously” or “in parallel.” It indicates that two actions are occurring at the same time.
- 臨むことになる (のぞむことになる): This expression means “to come to face” or “to be in a position to.” It implies that the subject will have to deal with a situation.
- The main clause is “弾劾審判が憲法裁判所ですでに始まっているが,” which states that the impeachment trial has already begun at the Constitutional Court.
- The subordinate clause “尹大統領は同時並行で刑事裁判のプロセスにも臨むことになる” indicates that President Yoon will also face the criminal trial process simultaneously.
Sentence: 公捜庁は23日の会見で「起訴するかどうかを決める検察が追加捜査をすることが、事件の真相究明のために効率的だと判断した」としていた。
Grammatical Points:
- 起訴するかどうか (きそするかどうか): This phrase means “whether to prosecute or not.” It uses the structure of a question embedded within a noun phrase.
- 決める (きめる): This verb means “to decide.” It indicates the action of making a decision.
- 追加捜査をすることが (ついかそうさをすることが): This part means “the act of conducting additional investigations.” The use of “こと” nominalizes the verb phrase.
- 効率的だと判断した (こうりつてきだとはんだんした): This means “judged to be efficient.” The structure indicates a conclusion drawn by the subject.
- The main clause is “公捜庁は23日の会見で,” which introduces the subject and context (the public prosecutor’s office at the press conference).
- The quoted content “起訴するかどうかを決める検察が追加捜査をすることが、事件の真相究明のために効率的だと判断した” elaborates on what was stated during the conference.
Sentence: だが、同地裁は24日、公捜庁がすでに捜査をして送致した事件について、検察が捜査を続ける相当な理由がないなどとして、不許可を決定。
Grammatical Points:
- すでに (sudeni): This adverb means “already,” indicating that an action has been completed prior to the current context.
- 相当な理由がない (そうとうなりゆうがない): This phrase means “there is no sufficient reason.” “相当な” is an adjective meaning “sufficient” or “appropriate.”
- などとして (nado to shite): This phrase means “on the grounds that” or “considering that.” It introduces a reason or basis for the following action.
- 不許可を決定 (ふきょかをけってい): This means “decided to deny permission.” The structure indicates a conclusion reached by the subject.
- The main clause is “同地裁は24日,” which sets the subject and date.
- The subordinate clause “公捜庁がすでに捜査をして送致した事件について、検察が捜査を続ける相当な理由がないなどとして” provides the context for the decision made by the court.
- The final part “不許可を決定” states the outcome of the court’s deliberation.
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