山形に大雨特別警報 数十年に一度の大雨、秋田では1人生き埋めか
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
発表する (はっぴょうする) | N2 | godan verb | to announce |
警戒 (けいかい) | N2 | noun | vigilance |
求める (もとめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to request |
軽傷 (けいしょう) | N2 | noun | minor injury |
崩れる (くずれる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to collapse |
生き埋め (いきうめ) | N2 | noun | being buried alive |
発令する (はつれいする) | N2 | godan verb | to issue (a warning) |
可能性 (かのうせい) | N2 | noun | possibility |
高まる (たかまる) | N2 | godan verb | to rise |
危険 (きけん) | N2 | noun | danger |
及ぶ (およぶ) | N2 | godan verb | to reach |
移動する (いどうする) | N2 | irregular verb | to move |
流れる (ながれる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to flow |
記録 (きろく) | N2 | noun | record |
決壊する (けっかいする) | N1 | godan verb | to break (a dam) |
浸水 (しんすい) | N2 | noun | flooding |
断念する (だんねんする) | N1 | godan verb | to give up |
促す (うながす) | N1 | godan verb | to urge |
確保する (かくほする) | N2 | godan verb | to secure |
伴う (ともなう) | N1 | godan verb | to accompany |
発生する (はっせいする) | N2 | godan verb | to occur |
警報 (けいほう) | N2 | noun | warning |
予想する (よそうする) | N2 | godan verb | to predict |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | noun | influence |
直面する (ちょくめんする) | N1 | godan verb | to face (a situation) |
確認する (かくにんする) | N2 | godan verb | to confirm |
進行する (しんこうする) | N1 | godan verb | to progress |
促進する (そくしんする) | N1 | godan verb | to promote |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
頑丈 (がんじょう) | N2 | な-adjective | sturdy |
顕著 (けんちょ) | N1 | な-adjective | remarkable |
急激 (きゅうげき) | N2 | な-adjective | rapid |
可能 (かのう) | N2 | な-adjective | possible |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「気象庁は、特別警報の対象地域について、数十年に一度のこれまでに経験したことのないような大雨となっており、何らかの災害がすでに発生している可能性が極めて高いとしている。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「数十年に一度の」: This phrase means “once in several decades,” where 「数十年」 (suujuunen) refers to “several decades” and 「に一度」 (ni ichido) means “once in.”
- 「これまでに経験したことのない」: This phrase means “something that has never been experienced until now,” where 「これまでに」 (kore made ni) means “until now,” and 「経験したことのない」 (keiken shita koto no nai) indicates “has not experienced.”
- 「となっており」: This is a combination of 「なる」 (naru) in the te-form and the auxiliary verb 「おる」 (oru), which indicates a continuing state.
- 「可能性が極めて高い」: This means “the possibility is extremely high,” where 「可能性」 (kanousei) means “possibility” and 「極めて」 (kiwamete) means “extremely.”
- The sentence starts with the subject “気象庁” (Meteorological Agency) followed by the topic “特別警報の対象地域について” (regarding the areas targeted by the special warning). It then presents two main clauses connected by “となっており” (is becoming) and “としている” (is stating). The first clause discusses the unprecedented heavy rain, while the second clause indicates the high likelihood of some disaster having already occurred.
Sentence: 「午後6時までの24時間に降った雨量は酒田市で327.0ミリを記録し、同市内などを流れる日向川が氾濫した。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「午後6時までの24時間に降った雨量」: This phrase means “the amount of rain that fell in the 24 hours until 6 PM,” where 「降った」 (futta) is the past tense of the verb 「降る」 (furu, to fall).
- 「記録し」: This is the te-form of the verb 「記録する」 (kiroku suru, to record), indicating that the action of recording is happening in conjunction with the next clause.
- 「同市内などを流れる」: This means “flowing through the same city and others,” where 「流れる」 (nagareru) is the verb “to flow.”
- 「氾濫した」: This is the past tense of the verb 「氾濫する」 (hanran suru, to flood), indicating that the action has already occurred.
- The sentence begins with the subject “雨量” (amount of rain) and specifies the time frame “午後6時までの24時間” (the 24 hours until 6 PM). It then states the recorded amount of rain in 酒田市 (Sakata City) and connects it to the next clause with “し” (and), which describes the flooding of 日向川 (Hinata River) that flows through the same area.
Sentence: 「気象庁によると、太平洋高気圧に沿って北上した湿った空気が、日本海を通り、水蒸気量を増やしながら東北に向かったことで一連の大雨をもたらしたとみられる。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「気象庁によると」: This means “according to the Meteorological Agency,” where 「によると」 (ni yoru to) indicates a source of information.
- 「北上した湿った空気」: This phrase means “the moist air that moved north,” where 「北上した」 (hokujou shita) is the past tense of the verb 「北上する」 (hokujou suru, to move north).
- 「水蒸気量を増やしながら」: This means “while increasing the amount of water vapor,” where 「増やし」 (hayashi) is the te-form of the verb 「増やす」 (hayasu, to increase).
- 「もたらしたとみられる」: This means “is thought to have brought about,” where 「もたらした」 (motarashita) is the past tense of 「もたらす」 (motarasu, to bring about) and 「とみられる」 (to mirareru) indicates a conjecture.
- The sentence starts with the introductory phrase “気象庁によると” (according to the Meteorological Agency), followed by the main clause that describes the moist air moving north along the Pacific High. It details how this air passed through the Japan Sea and increased water vapor, leading to the heavy rain. The sentence concludes with a conjectural statement about the cause of the rain, linking the actions of the moist air to the resulting weather phenomenon.
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