Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
乗用車 (じょうようしゃ) | N3 | Noun | passenger car |
車内 (しゃない) | N3 | Noun | inside the car |
女性 (じょせい) | N5 | Noun | woman |
遺体 (いたい) | N3 | Noun | dead body |
遺棄 (いき) | N2 | Noun | abandonment |
無職 (むしょく) | N2 | Noun | unemployed |
男 (おとこ) | N5 | Noun | man |
埼玉県 (さいたまけん) | N4 | Noun | Saitama Prefecture |
熊谷市 (くまがいし) | N4 | Noun | Kumagai City |
死体遺棄 (したいいき) | N1 | Noun | corpse abandonment |
容疑 (ようぎ) | N3 | Noun | suspicion |
栃木県警 (とちぎけんけい) | N1 | Noun | Tochigi Prefectural Police |
逮捕 (たいほ) | N3 | Noun | arrest |
事件 (じけん) | N4 | Noun | incident |
亡くなる (なくなる) | N4 | Verb | to pass away |
千葉県 (ちばけん) | N4 | Noun | Chiba Prefecture |
柏市 (かしわし) | N4 | Noun | Kashiwa City |
高校 (こうこう) | N5 | Noun | high school |
1年 (いちねん) | N5 | Noun | first year |
発表 (はっぴょう) | N3 | Noun | announcement |
幼い (おさない) | N4 | Adjective | young |
知る (しる) | N5 | Verb | to know |
人 (ひと) | N5 | Noun | person |
一様 (いちよう) | N2 | Adjective | uniform |
動揺 (どうよう) | N2 | Noun | agitation |
隠せる (かくせる) | N2 | Verb | to hide |
様子 (ようす) | N4 | Noun | state |
同じ (おなじ) | N5 | Adjective | same |
集合住宅 (しゅうごうじゅうたく) | N2 | Noun | apartment complex |
住む (すむ) | N5 | Verb | to live |
40代 (よんじゅうだい) | N2 | Noun | 40s |
女性 (じょせい) | N5 | Noun | woman |
4人暮らし (よにんぐらし) | N2 | Noun | living with four people |
兄 (あに) | N5 | Noun | older brother |
小学校 (しょうがっこう) | N5 | Noun | elementary school |
高学年 (こうがくねん) | N3 | Noun | upper grades |
今 (いま) | N5 | Noun | now |
家 (いえ) | N5 | Noun | house |
転居 (てんきょ) | N3 | Noun | moving |
登校班 (とうこうはん) | N2 | Noun | school commuting group |
加わる (くわわる) | N4 | Verb | to join |
母親 (ははおや) | N5 | Noun | mother |
学校 (がっこう) | N5 | Noun | school |
送る (おくる) | N5 | Verb | to send |
守る (まもる) | N5 | Verb | to protect |
印象 (いんしょう) | N3 | Noun | impression |
以前 (いぜん) | N4 | Noun | before |
自宅前 (じたくまえ) | N2 | Noun | in front of one’s house |
座る (すわる) | N5 | Verb | to sit |
お菓子 (おかし) | N5 | Noun | snack |
あげる | N5 | Verb | to give |
親 (おや) | N5 | Noun | parent |
来る (くる) | N5 | Verb | to come |
仲 (なか) | N5 | Noun | relationship |
良い (いい) | N5 | Adjective | good |
家族 (かぞく) | N5 | Noun | family |
あいさつ | N5 | Noun | greeting |
する | N5 | Verb | to do |
しっかり | N4 | Adverb | firmly |
事件 (じけん) | N4 | Noun | incident |
本当に (ほんとうに) | N5 | Adverb | really |
信じられない (しんじられない) | N3 | Adjective | unbelievable |
想像 (そうぞう) | N3 | Noun | imagination |
離れる (はなれる) | N5 | Verb | to separate |
驚く (おどろく) | N5 | Verb | to be surprised |
別の (べつの) | N4 | Adjective | another |
幼い (おさない) | N4 | Adjective | young |
頃 (ころ) | N5 | Noun | time |
家 (いえ) | N5 | Noun | house |
兄 (あに) | N5 | Noun | older brother |
一緒 (いっしょ) | N5 | Adverb | together |
カブトムシ | N5 | Noun | rhinoceros beetle |
育てる (そだてる) | N5 | Verb | to raise |
姿 (すがた) | N5 | Noun | figure |
母親 (ははおや) | N5 | Noun | mother |
どこかへ | N5 | Adverb | somewhere |
送る (おくる) | N5 | Verb | to send |
私服 (しふく) | N3 | Noun | civilian clothes |
事件 (じけん) | N4 | Noun | incident |
巻き込む (まきこむ) | N3 | Verb | to involve |
本当に (ほんとうに) | N5 | Adverb | really |
ショック | N4 | Noun | shock |
通る (とおる) | N5 | Verb | to pass |
中学校 (ちゅうがっこう) | N5 | Noun | middle school |
同級生 (どうきゅうせい) | N4 | Noun | classmate |
一人 (ひとり) | N5 | Noun | one person |
中学時代 (ちゅうがくじだい) | N3 | Noun | middle school days |
不登校 (ふとうこう) | N3 | Noun | truancy |
気味 (ぎみ) | N4 | Noun | tendency |
週 (しゅう) | N5 | Noun | week |
通学 (つうがく) | N3 | Noun | commuting to school |
明るい (あかるい) | N5 | Adjective | bright |
接する (せっする) | N3 | Verb | to interact |
元 (もと) | N5 | Noun | former |
クラスメート | N5 | Noun | classmate |
遭う (あう) | N5 | Verb | to encounter |
聞く (きく) | N5 | Verb | to hear |
びっくり | N5 | Noun | surprise |
肩 (かた) | N5 | Noun | shoulder |
落とす (おとす) | N5 | Verb | to drop |
福岡 (ふくおか) | N4 | Noun | Fukuoka |
龍一郎 (りゅういちろう) | N4 | Noun | Ryuichiro |
谷 (たに) | N5 | Noun | valley |
瞳児 (ひとみじ) | N4 | Noun | Hitomiji |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- The grammatical point in this sentence is the use of the causative verb “知る” (to know) in its te-form followed by the verb “隠せない” (cannot hide).
- The sentence structure is as follows: [坂巻さんを幼いころから知る人たちは] (subject) + [事件を知って] (cause) + [一様に動揺を隠せない様子だった] (predicate). The subject is the people who have known 坂巻さん since childhood, the cause is knowing about the incident, and the predicate describes their state of being unable to hide their agitation.
- The grammatical point in this sentence is the use of the verb “あげる” (to give) in its te-form followed by the verb “くれる” (to receive from someone).
- The sentence structure is as follows: [女性が以前、自宅前に座っている坂巻さんにお菓子をあげたところ] (cause) + [親がお礼に来てくれたこともあった] (result) + [といい、「仲の良い家族だなと思った」] (reported speech). The cause is the woman giving candy to 坂巻さん, the result is the parents coming to thank her, and the reported speech expresses the woman’s thoughts.
- The grammatical point in this sentence is the use of the verb “通学する” (to commute to school) in its te-form followed by the verb “していない” (not doing).
- The sentence structure is as follows: [坂巻さんが通った中学校の同級生の一人によると] (subject) + [坂巻さんは中学時代、不登校気味で週2~3回ほどしか通学していなかった] (predicate). The subject is a classmate of 坂巻さん who attended the same middle school, and the predicate describes 坂巻さん’s tendency to be absent from school and only commute 2-3 times a week.