世界の平均気温が観測史上最高を更新 地球温暖化の影響が深刻化
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
観測 (かんそく) | N2 | noun | observation |
史上 (しじょう) | N2 | noun | in history |
高い (たかい) | N3 | い-adjective | high |
分析 (ぶんせき) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | analysis / to analyze |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | noun/godan verb | influence / to influence |
深刻 (しんこく) | N2 | な-adjective | serious |
更新 (こうしん) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | update / to update |
記録 (きろく) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | record / to record |
平年 (へいねん) | N2 | noun | average year |
暖かい (あたたかい) | N3 | い-adjective | warm |
状態 (じょうたい) | N2 | noun | state |
可能性 (かのうせい) | N2 | noun | possibility |
発表 (はっぴょう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | announcement / to announce |
科学者 (かがくしゃ) | N2 | noun | scientist |
現在 (げんざい) | N3 | noun | present |
目撃 (もくげき) | N2 | noun/godan verb | witness / to witness |
排出 (はいしゅつ) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | emission / to emit |
急速 (きゅうそく) | N2 | な-adjective | rapid |
削減 (さくげん) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | reduction / to reduce |
抑制 (よくせい) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | suppression / to suppress |
頻繁 (ひんぱん) | N2 | な-adjective | frequent |
起きる (おきる) | N3 | ichidan verb | to occur |
影響する (えいきょうする) | N2 | irregular verb | to influence |
含める (ふくめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to include |
可能 (かのう) | N2 | noun/な-adjective | possible |
直面 (ちょくめん) | N2 | noun/godan verb | confrontation / to confront |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N2 | な-adjective | important |
対応 (たいおう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | correspondence / to correspond |
影響力 (えいきょうりょく) | N1 | noun | influence power |
確認 (かくにん) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | confirmation / to confirm |
予測 (よそく) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | prediction / to predict |
変化 (へんか) | N3 | noun/ichidan verb | change / to change |
進行 (しんこう) | N2 | noun/ichidan verb | progress / to progress |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「これまでの最高値は2023年7月6日に記録した17.08度だったが、0.01~0.07度上回った。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「これまでの最高値」 (the highest value so far) is a noun phrase where 「これまでの」 modifies 「最高値」.
- 「記録した」 is the past tense of the verb 「記録する」 (to record), used here to indicate when the highest value was recorded.
- 「上回った」 is the past tense of the verb 「上回る」 (to exceed), indicating that the new value exceeded the previous one.
- The conjunction 「が」 is used to contrast the two clauses, suggesting a shift in information.
Structure: The sentence presents a comparison between the previous highest temperature and the new one. It starts with the subject (最高値), provides the context of when it was recorded, and concludes with the new measurement that exceeds the previous one.
Sentence: 「同機関によると、記録がある1940年以降を分析した結果、極域も含めた世界全体の平均気温は21日に17.09度と最高値を更新。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「同機関によると」 (according to the same institution) introduces the source of the information.
- 「記録がある1940年以降を分析した結果」 (as a result of analyzing data since 1940) uses a relative clause to specify the time frame of the analysis.
- 「極域も含めた」 (including the polar regions) modifies 「世界全体の平均気温」 (the global average temperature).
- 「最高値を更新」 (updated the highest value) indicates that the average temperature has reached a new record.
Structure: The sentence begins with a citation of the source, followed by a description of the analysis conducted. It then presents the result of that analysis, emphasizing the new record temperature.
Sentence: 「温室効果ガスの排出を急速に削減し、地球温暖化を抑制しない限り、気象記録は今後も頻繁に更新される。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「温室効果ガスの排出を急速に削減し」 (rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions) uses the gerund form to indicate an action that needs to be taken.
- 「抑制しない限り」 (unless we suppress) introduces a conditional clause, indicating that the following statement is contingent on the action not being taken.
- 「気象記録は今後も頻繁に更新される」 (weather records will continue to be frequently updated) uses the passive voice to emphasize the records being updated rather than who is updating them.
Structure: The sentence presents a conditional situation where the first part outlines necessary actions (reducing emissions and suppressing global warming), and the second part states the consequence if those actions are not taken, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.
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